Cards (6)

  • value free
    research studied objectively without values
  • comte
    positivist- sociology is the 'queen of sciences
  • Durkheim
    studied issue of suicide objectively through statistics
    drawer correlations from different countries, religions, marital status
    looked to observe social facts
  • positivists
    argue that their own values are irrelevant to their research because science is concerned with matters of fact
  • criticisms of Durkheim
    • used values in research - close friend of Durkheim had committed suicide
    • Douglas - judgements were subjective based upon coroner's interpretation
  • Marx
    • debate on whether or not he was a positivist
    • however did see himself as a scientist
    • he believed his method of historical analysis, historical materialism, could reveal the line of development of human society. 
    • argued his scientific approach will enable to proletariat to see the exploitation they face and eventually overthrow capitalism
    • he sees science as helping to ‘deliver’ the good society.