Interconnected set of elements that is coherently organized to achieve a certain function/purpose
Assemblage of populations that occupy a given area, interacting directly or indirectly
Unit including all the organisms interacting with each other (Biotic community) in a given area interacting with the physical environment
FIRST unit in the ecological hierarchy that is complete (because you have now a source of habitat)
Levels of understanding ecosystem
Cycling of Materials (Biogeochemical Energy)
Flow of Energy
Population-community approach
Ecosystems as networks interacting populations (structure and components)
Abiotic environment as backdrops where biotic interactions occur
Disadvantage: Fails to see the bigger picture
Process-function approach
Ecosystems as pathways of matter and energy
Functions and processes are more important and more fundamental than the organisms performing in them
Disadvantage: Calcification process- corals convert carbonate ions dissolved the seawater into usable forms (calcium carbonate minerals) that form their skeleton
Types of species in a hypothetical food web
Basal species
Intermediate species
Keystone species
Top Predators /Apex predators
Ecosystem Engineers
Keystone species
Create or modify habitats an influence interact among species and impact is disproportionally large relative to its abundance
Ecosystem Engineers
Any organism that modifies a habitat
Allogenic engineers- modify the environment by modifying materials for one form to another
Autogenic engineers - modify the environment by modifying themselves
Heterogeneous area composed of several ecosystems
Elements of a landscape
Landscape matrix
Landscape patch
Landscape corridor
Landscape matrix
The primary cover type in the landscape, greater control over the flora and fauna
Landscape patch
Homogeneous area that differs from the surrounding matrix
Landscape corridor
A strip of environment connecting 2 or more landscape patches of similar habitat
Ecological Complexity
Differs from other analytical approaches in that it is based upon a conceptual model in which entities exist in a hierarchy of interrelated organizational levels
Parameters of a Complex System
Numerosity - number of elements in different levels to the hierarchy within our system
Non-linearity- interactions and feedback loops over time
Connectivity- indicates the degree of how things flow in the networks
Autonomy and adaptation - enables self-organization and the process of evolution that shapes complex systems on macro scale (ecological memory)
Dimensions of Ecological Complexity
Spatial dimension
Distribution defines the spatial extent of a population/ecosystems
Spatial elements
Edge - marks the perimeter of each patch
Border - place where the edge of one patch meets the edge of another
Ecotone- wide border
Edge Effect
More biodiversity at the borders or boundary of 2 or more habitats
Temporal dimension
The time series of different variables describing the dynamics of a system
Examples of temporal dynamics
Changes in population
Effects in change in climate and weather
Extinction Rate
Invasion Rate
Predator-prey cycles
Structural dimension
Relationships within the ecosystem (food web)
Black dots are nodes representing individual organisms situated in a habitat patch
Hubs: most number connections/edges. Regarded as a high-quality patch
Lines are edges representing relations between two nodes
Types of connectivity networks
Small world
Among the four kinds of networks, the more complex and ideal habitat may resemble a scale-free network with several large hubs connected to multiple smaller patches
Healthy Biodiversity leads to a stable economy, weather conditions, food security, and health and wellness
Variety and extent of differences among and within living things
Types of biodiversity
Genetic diversity
Species diversity
Ecosystems diversity
Genetic diversity
Any variation in chromosomes, genes, alleles, or nucleic acid within the cells of organism/ diversity of genes within the same species
Species diversity
Refers to vast number of species within an area
Measures of species diversity
Species Richness - Number of different kinds of organisms present in a particular area
Species Evenness - Compares the similarity of the population size of each of the species' present
Ecosystems diversity
The variety of habitats which could support different populations of species
Biodiversity attributes
Compositional biodiversity - variety of components present at each level (genes, species, ecosystem)
Structural biodiversity - variety of ways in which components (genes, species, ecosystem) are arranged over space and time
Functional biodiversity - variety of biological processes due to species interaction that generate biodiversity/variety of roles
Surrogate species
Keystone Species
Umbrella Species
Indicator species
Flagship species
Keystone species
Impact on the community or ecosystem are much larger relative to its abundance, and more influential than expected
Umbrella species
One with large habitat area and exerts a major ecological influence on the community
Indicator species
Species that are sensitive to certain environmental factors change thus only found in environments where these factors are optimal
Flagship species
Popular, charismatic species that serve as symbols and rallying points to stimulate conservation awareness and action
Biodiversity hotspots
Places on Earth that are both rich in endemic species living in a deeply threatened habitat mainly due to human activity