
Cards (100)

  • Tissue
    group of specialized cells and the extracellular substances surrounding them
  • Histology
    microscopic study of tissue
  • Epithelium
    covers and protects surfaces both outside and inside the body
  • Free surface
    Part of epithelial cells which is not in contact with other cells
  • Lateral surface

    cells are attached to other epithelial cells
  • Basal surface
    surface of an epithelial cell that faces the basement membrane
  • Basement membrane

    a specialized type of extracellular material secreted by epithelial and connective tissue cells.
  • Simple Epithelium
    single layer of cells
  • Stratified Epithelium
    several layers of cells
  • Pseudostratified columnar epithelium
    a special type of simple epithelium that consists of a falsely-stratified single layer of epithelial cells resting on a basement membrane.
  • Squamous
    cells that are flat or scalelike
  • Cuboidal
    cells are as wide as tall, like cubes
  • Columnar
    cells are taller than they are wide
  • simple squamous epithelium
    single layer of flattened cells
  • simple cuboidal epithelium
    single layer of cube shaped cells
  • simple columnar epithelium

    single layer of tall cells that fit closely together
  • Mucus
    clear, thick fluid that protects the lining of the intestine
  • Pseudostratified columnar epithelium

    secretes mucus, which covers its free surface, typically contains cilia
  • stratified squamous epithelium
    A thick epithelium, because of the several layers of cells. The deepest cells are actually cuboidal or columnar and are capable of dividing and producing new cells. As the new cells are pushed to the surface, they become flat and thin. The "keratinized" cell of this type covers the skin.
  • stratified cuboidal epithelium

    consists of two or three layers of cuboidal cells that typically forms the lining of a lumen of ducts and glands
  • stratified columnar epithelium
    consists of several layers of tall epithelial cells and is found in the vas deferens, part of the male urethra, and parts of the pharynx
  • Transitional epithelium
    special type of stratified epithelium that can be greatly stretched
  • Endothelium
    innermost lining of blood vessels
  • Microvilli
    cylindrical extensions of the cell membrane that increase the free surface area
  • Cilia
    propel materials along the free surface of the cells
  • Desmosomes
    mechanically bind cells together
  • Hemidesmosomes
    modified desmosomes and anchor cells to the basement membrane
  • Tight junctions
    bind adjacent cells together and form permeability barriers
  • Adhesion Belt
    Found just below the tight junction, acts as a weak glue that holds cells together
  • Gap Junctions
    small channels that allow small molecules and ions to pass from one epithelial cell to an adjacent one
  • Exocrine Glands
    glands with ducts
  • Endocrine glands
    glands that are separated from epithelium and have no ducts
  • Hormones
    chemical messengers that are manufactured by the endocrine glands, travel through the bloodstream, and affect other tissues
  • Multicellular glands
    glands that consist of many cells mostly are exocrine
  • Goblet Cells
    cells that secrete mucus
  • Simple Glands
    single unbranched duct
  • Compound glands
    multiple branched ducts
  • Tubular
    glands with secretory regions shaped as tubules
  • Acinar
    glands that shape in saclike structures
  • Merocrine Secretion

    product is released from secretory vesicles by exocytosis