
Cards (92)

  • Integumentary System

    consists of skin and and accessory structures such as hair, glands and nails.
  • Integument
  • Functions of Integumentary system
    protection, sensation, temperature regulation, vitamin d production, excretion
  • Skin
    it is made up of two major tissue layers which are the epidermis and dermis
  • Epidermis
    most superficial layer of skin
  • Dermis
    a layer of dense irregular connective tissue lying deep to the epidermis
  • 10-20
    On average, dermis is _____ thicker than epidermis.
  • Epidermis
    skin layer that prevent water loss and resists abrasion
  • Dermis
    layer of the skin responsible for most of the skin's structural strength
  • Subcutaneous tissue
    skin rests on a layer of connective tissue called _____________, where it is not part of the skin but it does connect the skin to underlying muscle or bone
  • stratified squamous epithelium
    what type of tissue is the epidermis?
  • Keratinization
    process in which cells change shape and chemical composition when they become filled with the protein keratin, which makes the cell more rigid and durable
  • Strata
    distinct layers of the epidermis are called
  • Stratum basale
    deepest layer of epidermis, consists of cuboidal or columnar cells that undergo mitotic activity about every19 days
  • Stratum Corneum
    the most superficial layer of the epidermis consisting of dead cells filled with keratin
  • Dandruff
    excessive shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp
  • Callus
    area of thick hard skin due to being subjected to friction
  • Corn
    in a bony prominence, the stratum corneum can be thicken to form a cone-shaped structure called _______
  • Dermis
    composed of dense collagenous connective tissue containing fibroblasts, adipocytes and macrophages
  • Cleavage Lines
    directions in which the skin is most resistant to stretch due to the different orientation of collagen bundles
  • Stretch Marks
    develop when skin is overstretched leaving lines visible in the epidermis, commonly happens when a person increase in size quite rapidly
  • Dermal Papillae
    a fingerlike projection of the dermis that may contain blood capillaries that supply the epidermis its vasculature
  • Intradermal Injection
    administered by drawing the skin taut and inserting a small needle at a shallow angle into the dermis
  • Subcutaneous injection
    achieved by pinching the skin to form a tent and inserting a short needle into the adipose tissue of the subcutaneous region
  • Intramuscular injection

    accomplished by inserting a long needle at a 90 degree angle to the skin into a muscle deep to the subcutaneous tissue
  • Melanin
    group of pigments primarily responsible for skin, hair and eye color
  • Melanocytes
    irregularly shaped cells with many long processes that extend between epithelial cells of the deep part of the epidermis which produces melanin
  • Melanosomes
    Golgi apparatuses that package or carry granules that produce melanin
  • Same
    Different races have ________ number of melanocytes.
  • Albinism
    recessive genetic trait that causes a deficiency or an absence of melanin
  • Ultraviolet Light
    Exposure to sun's ____________ stimulates melanocytes to increase melanin production
  • Suntan
    browning of the skin from exposing it to the sun
  • Cyanosis
    a bluish discoloration of the skin resulting from poor circulation or inadequate oxygenation of the blood.
  • Birthmarks
    congenital disorders of blood vessels in the dermis
  • Carotene
    the yellow pigment of the skin
  • Hypodermis
    the subcutaneous tissues is sometimes called _______ which means "under the dermis"
  • Adipose Tissue
    functions as padding and insulation in the subcutaneous tissues which is responsible for some differences between men and women appearance
  • 21% to 30%

    Acceptable percentage of body fat for females
  • 13% to 25%

    Acceptable percentage of body fat for males
  • Hair
    compressed, keratinized cells that arise from hair follicles, the sacs that enclose the hair fibers