Decarboxylase enzymes is capable of reacting with the carboxyl (COOH) portion of amino acids, forming alkaline-reacting amines and byproduct carbon dioxide
Lysine: To assist in the identification of Salmonellae (+ve) and Shigellae (-ve)
Decarboxylase test (Moeller's method)
(+) Alkaline (purple color)
(-) Acid (yellow color)
DNA Hydrolysis (DNase)
Used to determine the ability of an organism to hydrolyze DNA and utilize it as a source of carbon and energy for growth
Medium: DNase agar (DNA-methyl green complex)
DNA Hydrolysis (DNase)
(+) Colorless around the inoculum
(-) Green
Esculin Hydrolysis
To see if the microbe can hydrolyze the compound esculin as a carbon source
Esculin Hydrolysis
(+) Blackened medium and loss of fluorescence under Wood's lamp
(-) No blackening and no loss of fluorescence under Wood's lamp
Fermentation Media
a. Peptone medium: Indicator: Andrade's indicator
b. Heart infusion broth: Indicator: Bromcresol purple
Fermentation Media
Peptone medium: (+) Pink w/ or w/o gas formation in Durham tube, (-) Growth but no change in color
Heart infusion broth: (+) Yellow, (-) Growth but no change in color (purple)
Flagella Stain (Wet-Mount technique)
Rgt: RYU flagella stain
Flagella Stain (Wet-Mount technique)
(+) Flagella: a. Peritrichous, b. Lophotrichous, c. Polar, d. Tufted
Gelatin Hydrolysis (Gelatinase)
Gelatin hydrolysis test is used to detect the ability of an organism to produce gelatinase (proteolytic enzyme) that liquefy gelatin
Gelatin Hydrolysis (Gelatinase)
(+) Partial or total liquefaction at 4'C
(-) Complete solidification at 4'C
Growth at 42'C
To test the ability of an organism to grow at high temperature
Growth at 42'C
(+) Good growth at both 35'C and 24'C
(-) No growth at 42'C but good growth at 35'C
Hippurate test
Hippuric acid is hydrolyzed to benzoic acid and glycine by the enzymatic action of hippuricase
The glycine end product is detected by the addition of ninhydrin reagent
Hippurate test
(+) Deep purple color
(-) Colorless or slightly yellow pink color
Indole production
Determine the ability of an organism to split amino acid tryptophan to form the compound indole by tryptophanase
Indole production
Kovac's method: (+) Pink- to wine-colored ring, (-) No color change
Ehrlich's method: (+) Pink- to wine-colored ring, (-) No color change