Each place is made up of a series of locales where everyday life activities take place e.g. home, park. These locales dictate our social interactions and help forge attitudes, values and behaviours - naturally behave different in each of these places.
what is attached, social relationship that exists within the realm of an individuals significant place. The natural and built physical environments can be subjects of person-place bond
places that feel like home, where people would live in a similar way to which we live. We feel secure and this has a prop for our identity. Form our national identity as a country.
Places we have formed a perception of based on what we see in the media, makes world seem smaller, more understanding of world. Information age, contrast other representations, can we understand a place if we never develop a sense of place there?
Places we have been to and developed our own sense of place, deeper understanding and true nature, emotional attachment, change previous perceptions, Genius loci