Deliberately refraining from having sexualintercourse
The process of changing the shape of the lens to focus on near or distantobjects
A hormone that is produced by the adrenal glands in response to fear or stress which increases the heartrate and boosts the delivery of blood to the brain and muscles as a part of the 'fight or flight'response
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
A hormone that increases the reabsorption of water in the kidney tubules
Methods used to preventpregnancy
Coordination centres
Areas of the body like the brain, spinalcord and pancreas that receive and processinformation from receptors
A process occurring in the liver that removes the amino group from an aminoacid to produce ammonia
A method of treatingkidneyfailure or disease where the blood is artificiallyfiltered to removewaste and toxins
Muscles or glands which bring about responses which restoreoptimumlevels
A type of planthormone which controlscell division and the ripening of fruits
Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
A femalereproductivehormone that causes the maturation of an egg in the ovary
A plant's directional growthresponse to gravity
A type of plant hormone which initiatesseedgermination
A group of cells that secretechemicals called hormones directly into the bloodstream
A hormone produced by the pancreas that causes glycogen to be converted into glucose and released into the blood
The regulation of the internalconditions of a cell or organism to maintainoptimumconditions for function in response to internal and externalchanges
A defect of the eye where nearbyobjects appear out of focus (also called long sightedness)
In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)
Fertilising a woman'segg using spermoutside of the body
Luteinising hormone (LH)
A femalereproductivehormone that stimulates the release of an egg
A defect of the eye where distantobjects appear out of focus (also called short sightedness)
Negative feedback cycle
A regulatorymechanism that reverses a change
The main femalereproductivehormone which causes the uteruslining to grow and repair
A plant's directionalgrowthresponse to light
Organs or cells that detectstimuli
Reflex action
A rapid and automaticresponse to a stimulus
Selective reabsorption
Reabsorbing certain usefulmolecules (like glucose, someions and water) back into the blood after they have been filtered out
Changes in the environment
Target organ
The organ which a hormoneactson to produce an effect
The main malereproductivehormone produced by the testes and it stimulatesspermproduction
The brain
An organ made of billions of interconnected neurones which controls complex behaviour and has different regions that carry out differentfunctions
Central nervous system (CNS)
The brain and spinal cord which coordinate the response of effectors
A senseorgan containing receptorssensitive to lightintensity and colour
Thermoregulatory centre
An area of the hypothalamus in the brain which contains bloodtemperaturereceptors and regulatesbodytemperature
A hormone produced by the thyroidgland that increases the metabolicrate in the body
Type 1 diabetes
A disorder in which the pancreasfails to produce sufficientinsulin which is characterised by uncontrolledhighbloodglucoselevels
Type 2 diabetes
A disorder where the bodycellsnolongerrespond to insulin produced by the pancreas
The constriction of blood vessels
The dilation of blood vessels
Adult cell cloning
A type of cloning that forms an embryo from an adultbodycell