Adenaur and Politics

Cards (18)

  • Christian Democratic Union (CDU)
    Founded in 1945, it had grown out of the centre party, DVP and DNVP from the Weimar period. It was a Christian conservative party, which aimed to overcome religious and regional divisions.
  • German Communist Party (KPD)

    Aimed to represent the working class but won only 2.2 % of the total vote and lost all of its seats at the 1953 election. The party was banned in August 1956.
  • Social Democratic Party of Germany (SDP)
    The continuation of the party that had existed during the WR. It was still anti-capitalist and saw itself, in theory, as working for a socialist-style economy. However it was opposed to the communists.
  • Free Democratic Party (FDP)

    Liberal parties had not been strong during the WR, but in 1945, the Liberal Democratic party of Germany was established; however but it soon divided and the Free Democratic Party emerged.
  • What were some the SDP's other views?
    Main belief was social justice combined with individual freedom. For a while they supported a neutral position between East and West, initially opposed to West Germany's entry into NATO reversing this policy in only 1959/60.
  • What did the coalition of parties do to make sure extremist parties wouldn't prevail?
    1. Banned far right and left
    2. Used first past the post and proportional representation
    3. 5% hurdle law (1953)
  • Election results 1949?
    Adenauer was able to form a government after weeks of negotiations with other parties, as the CDU won just 31% of the vote. As a result the government included members of the DFP and other small parties who were given ministerial roles.
  • What happened with the CDU in the elections of 1953?
    Because of the successful economic and foreign policies and the rise of a virulent anti-communism during the period of the Korean War their vote greatly increased. Despite this success Adenauer decided to maintain a coalition government.
  • The 1957 election?

    Further success particularly in terms of economic growth resulted in him winning over 50% of the vote. With a cautious policy slogan of 'No experiments
  • What happened however in the 1961 election?
    There were signs of a decline in Adenauers popularity and perhaps even a recognition that at 85 he was starting to lose control, the CDU's vote slipped.
  • What did Adenauer's control mean?
    Period 1949-63 described as one of chancellor democracy in which he dominated policy-making giving the impression people had little choice on who to vote.
  • How did West German politics develop from a multi-party state to one of 'vanishing opposition'?
    -Never allow democracy to be destroyed by banning far right and left
    -system of 2 votes (1stptp and pr) ensure 'too much' democracy wouldn't allow small extremist parties to gain a foothold
    -further strengthened by 5% hurdle
    -Adenauers policy of inclusiveness, and splits within some smaller parties led to the absorption of many right-wing parties to the CDU
  • What political mistake did Adenauer make in 1959?

    By initially declaring his candidacy for the presidency but later withdrawing. At first he saw it as a chance to extend his power post-chancellorship an hinder the success of the SPD candidate but his lack of decisive action harmed his image and reputation.
  • What did he do in 1961?

    his handling of the berlin wall damaged his standing. Brandt SPD mayor responded strongly for freedom and democracy. Adenauer failed to interfere and failed to regard the crisis delaying a visit for two days for routine engagements.
  • What did this do for reputation?
    Greatly affected it, he received jeers upon arriving in West Berlin. in 1963 when President Kennedy visited Brandt , Not Adenauer, was at the centre of German affairs once again
  • What ultimately caused his downfall?

    His treatment of the press and the Der Spiegel crisis in late 1962. The magazine published a critical article on the readiness of West German armed forces. Resulted in the government attempting to silence the magazine by raiding it's offices and arresting journalists. Public outcry followed as the government appeared to be acting as a dictatorship, silencing the press. Adenauer resigned the next year.
  • What did he do in his 14 years of control?
    Established a stable democracy, achieved sustained economic growth and improved living standards surpassing the WR.
  • What did his resignation mean?
    Social tensions continued to rise, trails for war crimes began reminding Germans of the horror which happened under the Nazi control and showed how Adenauer had been to quick to forget and look to future.