Fully developed descriptions that provide information about each use case, including actors, stakeholders, preconditions, post conditions, the flow of activities and exceptions conditions
Activity diagrams
Used to show the flow of activities for a use case
System sequence diagrams (SSDs)
Show the inputs and outputs for each use case as messages
CRUD analysis
Technique to verify that all domain classes are fully supported by the new system, i.e. have use cases to fully process all required actions
Not all use cases and domain classes are modelled at a detailed level. Only model when there is complexity and a need to communicate details.
All of the models must be consistent and integrate together to provide a complete picture of the requirements and specification.
Steps for creating system sequence diagrams
1. Identify input message
2. Describe the message from the external actor to the system using the message notation
3. Identify any special conditions on input messages
4. Identify and add output return values
UML diagrams used to define functional requirements
Use cases
Use case diagram
Use case description
Activity diagram
System sequence diagram (SSD)
Domain Classes
Domain model class diagram
State machine diagram
Chapters 3 and 4 identified and modeled the two primary aspects of functional requirements: use cases and domain classes
This chapter focuses on models to provide details of use cases
CRUD analysis serves to verify that all domain classes are fully supported by the new system, i.e. have use cases to fully process all required actions