Genetic diversity can arise - mutation and meiosis

Cards (17)

  • Haploid
    - one copy of each chromosome in a cell
  • Diploid
    - two copies of each chromosome in a cell
  • Meiosis
    - cell division that creates genetically different gametes
    - there are two nuclear divisions in this process
    - results in four haploid daughter cell
  • Independent segregation

    - homologous pairs of chromosomes randomly line up opposite each other at the equator of the cell
    - when they separate it creates a large number of possible combinations of chromosomes in the daughter cells produced
  • Crossing over

    - homologous pairs of chromosomes line up opposite each other at the equator in meiosis 1 - parts of the chromatids twist, break and recombine with another chromatid
    - results in new combinations of alleles in the gametes
  • Gametes
    - sex cells (sperm and egg)
  • How does meiosis introduce variation?

    - crossing over independent segregation
  • Types of gene mutations

    - substitution
    - insertion
    - deletion
  • What is a frameshift?

    - the removal of one base changes all of the subsequent codons
    - all the bases shift back one position
  • Chromosome mutation

    - change in the number of chromosomes
    - occurs during meiosis
  • Deletion mutation

    - a gene mutation
    - a base is removed from a sequence
    - causes a frameshift
  • Substitution mutation

    - a gene mutation
    - a base is swapped for a different one
  • Non-disjunction

    - the chromosomes or chromatids do not split equally during anaphase
  • Polyploidy
    - changes in whole sets of chromosomes
    - e.g. when organisms have three or more sets of chromosomes
    - mainly occurs in plants
  • Aneuploidy
    - a change in the number of individual chromosomes
    - e.g 3 copies of chromosome 21
  • Down's syndrome

    -causes by a chromosome mutation
    - an example of aneuploidy
    - 3 copies of chromosome 21
  • Genetic diversity

    - the number of different alleles in a population