Species and taxonomy

Cards (9)

  • Definition of a species

    - a group of similar organisms that can breed to make fertile offspring
  • binomial system

    - a universal naming system
    - individuals are named after their genus and species
    - e.g. Homo sapiens
  • Courtship behaviour

    - different sequences of behaviours that animals demonstrate to attract a mate
    - each species demonstrates its own unique behaviour
    - essential for successful mating
  • Importance of courtship

    - helps to synchronise mating behaviour so that the animals are more likely to mate when the female is releasing eggs
    - increases the likelihood of successful mating
    - enables individuals to recognise members of the same species and opposite sex
  • What is meant by a hierarchy?

    - smaller groups arranged within larger groups
    - there is also no overlap between groups
  • Phylogenetics
    - the study of species' evolutionary origins and relationships
  • Common ancestor

    - the species from which another species evolved
  • Taxon
    - the term for each group in classification
  • What are the taxa in the Linnaeus classification system?

    - domain
    - kingdom
    - phylum
    - class
    - order
    - family
    - genus
    - species