idea that different groups, cultures and individuals have different views as to what is true. each sees the world in their own way, through own perspectives
there is no independent way of judging whether any view is truer than any other
argues there is no absolute / objective truth - many different ideas of truth
take relativist view
reject the idea that any one account of the social world is superior than the other
any perspective that claims to have the truth are just meta-narratives (big stories)
These assumptions and values influence the topics that sociologists of different perspectives choose to research, the concepts they develop and the conclusions they reach.
a03 of postmodernism and relativism
if we apply their ideas to postmodernism it leads to paradoxical conclusion
we shouldn't believe what they say either - cannot claim postmodernism is true either
relativism is self-defeating, since it claims to be telling us something true, while simultaneously telling us that no one can tell us what is true.