unforeseen events outside the control of the parties make performance impossible.-not liable- Taylor v Caldwell
- force majeure clause- Frustration requires performance become impossible as a result of outside events beyond the control and contemplation of the parties.
event which resulted in impossibility
no fault of the contracting parties- Jackson v Union Marine
- Robinson v Davidson-illness
Contact illegal to perform- Denny Mott and Dickson v James
commercial purpose cannot be achieved- Krell v Henry
when frustration CAN apply
Then confirm, by applying to the scenario, that:
2. The above chosen event was NOT the fault of either party to the contract, AND
3. The event has significantly changed the nature of the outstanding obligations.
when frustration CANNOT be applied - self induced
-Maritime National Fish v Ocean - Frustration will not apply when the frustrating event is within the control of one party.
when frustration CANNOT be used - becomes less profitable
-Tsakiroglou v Noblee
when frustration CANNOT be used - event being forseeable or was within contract