The mental process of searching for an original and previously unknown solution to a problem
Any idea that has some elements of uniqueness, at least to the one that is creating the solution, and has value which is relevant
A challenge, opportunity, or concern
Developing ways to resolve the problem(s) at hand
A process or some sort of method which is systematic to approaching some sort of problem with a unique perspective to result in an effective resolution
Alex Osborn
Creator of brainstorming, founder of the Creative Education Foundation (CEF) and co-founder of a highly successful New York advertising agency
Sidney Parnes
A bright and creative person who followed Osborn as President of CEF, invested nearly 40 years teaching creativity workshops and course and thinking about the creative process
CPS model
1. Mess-finding
2. Data finding
3. Problem finding
4. Idea finding
5. Solution finding
6. Acceptance finding
Locating a challenge or problem to which to apply the CPS model
Can be used to develop a variety of new solutions whether its for products, services, designs or systems
Divergent and convergent brainstorming and thinking
The fundamental principle that Creative Problem Solving relies on
CPS can be used quickly in a small group or can take up to an hour for bigger groups
What CPS can be used for
Develop new products
Develop new services
Develop new designs
Develop new systems
CPS can be used anywhere, whether at work or not, when you run into a problem that needs solving
Objective Finding
Identify the situation or the problem
What may be the goal, or challenge which you want to work on
Fact Finding
Who is or should be involved
What is or is not happening
When does this or should this happen
Where does or doesn't this occur
Why does it or doesn't it happen
How does it or doesn't it occur
Problem Finding
What is the real problem
What is the main objective
What do you really want to accomplish
Why do I want to do this
Idea Finding
Engage in brainstorming for as many potential solutions as possible
Use as many idea-generation methods you want
Solution Finding
Create and agree on criteria to evaluate the list of ideas
Evaluate the list of ideas
Select up to three of the best ideas
Acceptance Finding
Refine the selected ideas
Create an action plan for them with steps and a timetable of implementation
Divergent Thinking Guidelines
Defer Judgment
Strive for quantity
Seek wild and unusual
Build on other ideas
Convergent Thinking Guidelines
Be affirmative
Be deliberate
Check the objectives
Improve ideas
Consider novelty
Don't limit yourself, be creative. Get excited, your blood running. It's important when brainstorming through some of the steps to just blurt out the first things that come to mind.
CPS Steps
Clarify and identify the problem
Research the problem
Formulate creative challenges
Generate ideas
Combine and evaluate the ideas
Draw up an action plan
Do it! (implement the ideas)
Clarify and identify the problem
Possibly the single most important step of CPS is identifying your real problem or goal
Research the problem
Get a better understanding of the problem through research
Formulate one or more creative challenges
Turn the issues behind the problems or goals into creative challenges, which are simple questions framed to encourage suggestions or ideas
Generate ideas
Try to generate at least 50 ideas that may or may not solve the challenge, either alone or with others
Combine and evaluate ideas
Combine related ideas, then choose the ideas that broadly meet the criteria you devised earlier
Draw up an action plan
Create a plan with the simple steps you need to take to implement your ideas
Do it!
Take your action plan and implement your idea
Creative problem solving helps deal with specific business problems, calculate possibilities, rethink actions before implementing, and helps future teachers teach students
They have the courage to take risks and face uncertainty.
Entrepreneurs are people who start, operate or manage their own businesses.
Entrepreneurial Mindset - the ability to think like an entrepreneur