Dispositional explanation

Cards (7)

  • Dispositional explanations for aggression - AO1

    • Importation model
  • Irwin and Cressey (1962) - AO1

    • Created the importation model
    • Argued that inmates bring with them (import) a subculture typical of criminality
    • This includes things like beliefs, values, norms, attitudes, learning experiences and personal characteristics (gender race and class)
    • Inmates import these to negotiate their way through the unfamiliar prion environment where existing inmates use aggression to establish power, status and access to recourses.
  • Importation model- AO1

    • Aggression is a result of individual charteristics inmates import into the prison rather than the prion enviroment itself
  • Two studies into dispositional explanations/importation modle for aggression - AO1

    • Irwin and Cressey (1962)
    • DeLesi et al (2011)
  • Research support for importation model - 😊- AO3
    • Camp and Gaes (2005)
    • Placed half of their male inmate participants in low-security Californian prisons and the other half in the second highest category of prions
    • No significant difference in aggressive misconduct between the two groups
    • Shows that features of the prison environment are less important predictors of aggressive behaviours that charteristics of inmates
    • Strong evidence in favour of dispositional explanation
    • Random allocation of inmates to different security level prions in creases overall validity of results
  • Alternative to importation model may be better - 🙁 - A03
    • Dilulio (1991)
    • Claims importation model is inadequate to explain institutional aggression because it ignores roles of prion officials and factors linked to the running prions
    • Proposes and administrative control model - ACM
    • States that poorly managed prions are more likely to experience serious violence (homicide and rioting).
    • These factors are more influential in determining aggression than inmate characteristics
    • Doubts the validity of the dispositional explanation model and the importation model.
  • DeLisi et al (2011) - Procedure
    • They studied 813 juvenile delinquents
    • They had imported several negative characteristics into the prisons
    • For example, childhood trauma, anger, violent behaviour and histories of substance abuse