Argued that inmates bring with them (import) a subculture typicalofcriminality
This includes things like beliefs, values, norms, attitudes, learning experiences and personal characteristics (gender race and class)
Inmates import these to negotiate their way through the unfamiliar prion environment where existing inmates use aggression to establish power, status and access to recourses.
Alternative to importation model may be better - 🙁 - A03
Dilulio (1991)
Claims importation model is inadequate to explain institutional aggression because it ignores roles of prion officials and factors linked to the running prions
Proposes and administrativecontrolmodel - ACM
States that poorlymanaged prions are more likely to experience serious violence (homicide and rioting).
These factors are more influential in determining aggression than inmate characteristics
Doubts the validity of the dispositional explanation model and the importation model.