Focusing on puremovement or design rather than plotemotion or character. Or altering the realisticappearance while maintaining the essence of the topic. For example, reality=normal walk, abstracted=bent on knees, on toes
Repeating one or more components of a composition (movements/phrases) so that they appear again and again for effect and help set the theme in the viewer's mind
Gathering and collecting; starting with a single action and adding on another action while keeping the original action. This is done successively, for example: Step; Step, kick; Step, kick, turn; Step kick, turn, jump
Taking an action or phrase and inverting it (flippingitupside-down) to flip it on its axis, either upside-down or laterally. For example, doing a leg action with the arms, physically turning the movement upside-down, or executing a phrase or action from the right to the left side of the body
Twistingoutofshape, deforming; taking a movement or a wholephrase and changing it from its originalformat. This might include using different movement qualities
Refers to actions that result in the upwardchange of level in a dancer's body or a body part. It can refer to whole body movements and/or to actions of limbs or body parts that are raised or lifted
The centraltheme or concept of the dancecomposition. It might be the vision that the choreographer has for the dance or the reason or rationale for the choreography
Exists where there is a time, space or energydifference in choreography between any single dancer in a group and any of the other dancers and thus can be present in all group structures and formations apart from unison. E.g., Action and reaction, call and response
To represent the continuous change and shift of our mentality, nothingstaysthesame, each individual is always experiencing something that impacts their mental health.
Learnt work
Section A1 intention:
The continuum is established – everyone is collectivelyexperiencinginternal and external factors that affect where they are sitting on the continuum.
Section B intention:
Each individual faces personalchallenges on their own, as they realise their limits.
Section A2 intention:
Everyone remains on the continuum, however rather than facing challenges in isolation they collectivelyseeksupport and work through together.
Small group dance - overall intention:
The intention of this dance work is to physicalize the poemline from Pearls by Maree Collie, ‘Thestring, knottedindividuallyaftereachofus, bringsunity.’ Displaying our development of connection throughout the dance piece utilizing unison, stillness, and focus.
Duo dance task - overall intention:
The intention of this dance is the represent the circularrisingstages of the sun and the moon during an eclipse