
Cards (6)

  • Legal Methods
    China - How Mao structured the government, politburo, how power was actually structured, central government, how Mao legitimized his government.
    Germany - Enabling Act, Reichstag Fire, Gleichsthaltung
  • Use of Force
    China - Anti-landlord Campaign, Laogai
    Germany - 1934-1935, Night of Long Knives, SS/Waffen SS, Gestapo
  • Charismatic Leadership
    China - The Cult of Mao, Swimming of the Yangtze, Little Red Book, Hundred Flowers Campaign
    Germany - The perceptions of Hitler, the Hitler myth (Ian Kershaw), the arguments against the myth (RJ. Evans), positive charisma, negative charisma
  • Dissemination of Propaganda
    China - Little Red Book, 1964, purpose, reasons why its small, 750 copies
    Germany - Propaganda films, purpose, Leni Riefenstahl, Ich Klage (I Accuse) - Nazi euthanasia program, Der Ewige Jude (The Eternal Jew) - Jews as an enemy, Jud Süß (Jew Süss) - Kristallnacht 1938, Reich Press Law (1933)
  • Opposition
    China - Hundred Flowers Campaign (1957), debated whether Mao genuinely asked for criticism to improve the country or to prosecute opposition. Mao asked for criticism, people hesitate, Mao encouraged, criticism escalates, criticism used to prosecute opposition.
    Germany - Nature, Extent, Treatment. Schwarze Kapell + July bomb plot, White Rose movement + actions, Edelweiss Pirates Groups + actions, all executed for opposition.
  • Impact on Foreign Policy
    China - Sino-Soviet Treaty, 3 conditions, relations with Soviet Union deteriorated, Sino-Soviet Split, Cuban Missile Crisis, China & U.S. (1950-1970).
    Germany - Treaty of Versailles, Saarland, Anti-Comintern Pact, Nazi-Soviet Pact of Non-Aggression.