HC derivatives

Cards (5)

  • organic halides - organic compounds where one or more H atoms are replaced by a halogen atom. Can happen in slow substitution reactions or faster addition reactions
  • many chlorinated hydrocarbons are carcinogenic
    • may be polar (CnHnXn) or non-polar (CnXn)
    • higher boiling points than similar hydrocarbons (LDF)
    • Low solubility in water (no H bonds) but higher than the corresponding hydrocarbon
    • good solvent for fats, oils, waxes, gums, resins, and rubber
    1. name then as branches on the LCC
    2. use multiplier to indicate repeated halogens
    3. list alphabetically
    ex. 1-chloro-2-iodocyclohexane
  • organic halides are usually considered to be a health risk