Have the interest in information about the continuance of enterprise especially when they have a long-term involvement with or are dependent on the enterprise
Require information to regulate the activities of the enterprise, determine taxation policies and as a basis for national income and similar statistics
Also called as "primary users" of accounting information, persons who are actually involved in the daily operation of the business, inside the organization who plan, organize and run the business
Use information as factor to consider in staying employment, interested about the stability and profitability of the company that enable them to assess the ability of the enterprise to provide remuneration, retirement benefits and employment opportunities
The accounting measures activity for a specified interval of time, usually, a period of 365 days or 52 weeks
Calendar Year - Jan 1-Dec 31 of the same year (most common annual accounting period)
Fiscal Year - begin 1st day of any month except January and will end on the last day of the 12th month completing the one year period (interim financial statement)
Current Assets – assets that are expected to be realized, consumed or converted into cash in 12 months time or less (ex. Cash, receivables, inventories)
Non-Current Assets (Fixed Assets) – assets with a life span of at least one year and usually longer (ex. Buildings, vehicle, machinery)
Present obligation of the entity arising from past events, the resulted of which is expected to result in an outflow from the entity of resources embodying economic benefits
Increase in the economic benefits of the entity that may be a result of enhancement or inflow of asset or such decrease in the liability that cause equity to increase. However, this does not include additional investments made by shareholders.
Fundamental convention of accounting that necessitates the recognition of all aspects of an accounting transaction
Basis for double entry accounting system
Transactions are classified in two main types: Debit (portion that accounts for increase in assets/expenses, decrease in liabilities/equity/income) and Credit (portion that accounts for increase in income/liabilities/equity, decrease in assets/expenses)
Revenues – income earned in the course of ordinary activities of business (ex. service income, professional fees, sales)
Gains – income earned from the activities other than the normal activities of the business (ex. gain on sale of equipment, gain on sale of short-term investment)
Decrease in the economic benefits of the entity during the accounting period which are the result of depletions or outflow of assets or incurrences of liabilities that cause equity to decrease. However, this does not include distributions of dividends to shareholders