the capacity of the cardiorespiratory system to supply oxygen and nutrients to the muscles and the ability of the muscles to use the oxygen for sustained exercise
swimming, running, cycling
anaerobic capacity
total amount of work that can be done by the anaerobic energy system
muscular endurance
the ability of the muscle or muscle group to perform repeated contractions for and extended period of time
rowing, pushups
muscular power
the ability to exert maximum muscular contractions instantly in an explosive burst of movements
long jump, discus
muscular strength
maximal force that can be generated by a muscle or muscle group against a resistance in one maximal effort
powerlifting, tackle in AFL
how fast the body or a body part can move from one point to another
the ability to change body position or direction of the body in response to a stimulus
goal keeper, accelerating
the ability to create smooth and accurate movements with two or more body parts
tumbling pass, kicking a football
the ability to control the body's position either stationary or dynamic