Young swine of either gender slaughtered between the first 5½ and 7 months of age, about 1/3 of all pork is sold fresh and the rest are made as ham, sausage, luncheon meats and bacon
Bones are used as landmarks for identifying the various meat cuts from a carcass
Older animals have whiter bones, younger animals have reddish bones
Marrow is a soft, fatty material in the center of most large bones, it is a valued food in many countries as it provides much of the flavor in stocks and soups
Also known as organ and offal, can be either organ meats (very soft, extremely tender and easily cooked) or muscle meats (require long and slow cooking as they are heavily exercised muscles and are quite tough)
About one-third of all meat is processed by different methods such as curing, smoking, canning and drying, meaning it has changed from its original "fresh" cut