Migration 1.1

Cards (33)

  • What are the top 3 global migrant routes in the 21st century - Asia to Asia - Europe to Europe - Latin America to North America
  • Top 3 migrant hosting countries in the 21st century - US - Germany - Russia
  • Top 3 migrant sending countries in the 21st Century - India - Mexico - Russia
  • Why has there been a significant growth in numbers of people migrating across international borders in the 21st century (5) - Employment opportunities - Seeking better life - Escaping conflict - Environmental disasters - Education better elsewhere
  • Why has employment resulted in significant growth in numbers migrating across international borders (2) - out of 265 million, 150 million migrants have moved for economic reasons - Most work in service sector like construction and agriculture
  • Why has migrants seeking for a better life resulted in significant growth in numbers migrating across international borders - US ranks 18th on the world happiness rating, india is 133rd
  • Why has escaping conflict resulted in significant growth in numbers migrating across international borders (2) - Fleeing due to violence from places like syria - By the end of 2016 there were 22.5 million refugees worldwide
  • How many people every year since 2008 been displaced due to natural disasters 25 Million
  • Facts surrounding the number of international migrants and the UK (2) - 3.8 Million people living in UK in 2017 were migrants from EU countries - 2017 UK saw the arrival of 240,000 EU and 227,000 non-Eu migrants
  • Facts surrounding the composition of migrants (2) - Main migrants in the UK are economic and moving to join family - 1/4 of all international migrants are working age
  • Reasons for Intra-regional migration within the EU increasing (3) - Schengen Agreement - EU enlargement - Worker registration scheme
  • How has the schengen agreement increased intra EU migration (2) - Small town in Luxembourg where the agreement was made to allow free movement through most of the EU - 22/27 chose to participate abolishing border controls for EU members across these countries
  • How has the EU enlargement resulted in an increase in intra-EU migration - A8 countries introduced in 2004 increasing pool of potential migrants
  • How has the worker registration scheme resulted in an increase in international migrants (2) - Set up in April 2004 to allow A8 workers to take up a job in the UK singificantly increasing migration - 130,000 A8 citizens registered superceeding the 13,000 a year limit
  • How has brexit reduced intra-EU migration (2) -In 2018 the UK was estimated at a minus 2000 A8 migration - EU migration data shows a decline by more than hald of the UK's peak migration of 189,000 in 2016
  • Example pathway of inter-regional migration Africa/Middle-East to Europe
  • What are the opportunities of inter-regional migration (4) -More working age citizens for destination country - More equal opportunities for migrants - Better education for migrants - Better healthcare for migrants
  • Challenges of inter-regional migration (5) - Housing crises in host country - Migrants may bring disease - Violent crime rise in host country - Migrants may experience xenophobia - May be viewed as resources rather than people
  • Prove how migrants may be associated with a rise in violent crime in the host country 10% increase in violebt crimes, 92% attributal to migrants
  • 3 reasons why migration is important for development - Public Purse - Labour Markets - Economic Growth
  • How is migration important for developent through the labour market (3) - Migrants account for 47% increase in workforce in the US and 70% in Europe - Migrants fill important niches in a potentially declining economy - Young migrants are better educated than old ones
  • How is migration important for developent through the Public Purse - Migrants contribute more in taxes than they receive in benefits
  • How is migration important for developent through Economic Growth (3) - Boosts working age of the population - Arrive with skills to contribute to Human capital develppment of receiving country - Contribute to technological progress
  • How is migration and money linked - Remmittances sent easily through modern technology
  • How is migration and ideas related - Geographical diffusion of ideas and back to origin countries (social remmittances)
  • What are the factors that experience the positive effects of the flow of money ideas, and technology as a result of migration (3) - Stability - Economic Growth - Development
  • How does the Flow of Money, Ideas and technology in relation to migration have positive effects on stability (2) - Returning migrants have new ideas and values including democracy and equality resulting in peacebuilding - Where there is an aging population migrants can contribute to a balanced age profile
  • How does the Flow of Money, Ideas and technology in relation to migration have positive effects on Economic Growth (3) - Migrants are consumers and can stimulate local economy by opening demands for ethnic retailers - Migrants fill shorages in labour market boosting growth - GDP and tax base boosted by working migrants
  • How does the Flow of Money, Ideas and technology in relation to migration have positive effects on Development - Migrants create networks which ease flows of skills and ideas
  • What are the factors that experience the negative effects of the flow of money ideas, and technology as a result of migration (3) - Inequality - Injustice - Conflict
  • How does the Flow of Money, Ideas and technology in relation to migration have negative effects on Inequality (2) - Countries of origin lose young element of labour market contributing to a declining economy nationally - Migrant remittances can increase inequlaity between families who do and do not receive them
  • How does the Flow of Money, Ideas and technology in relation to migration have negative effects on Injustice (3) - Migrants vulnerable to violation of human rights as a result of trafficking and forced labour - Often better educated people migrate resulting in brain drain - Treatment of asylum seekers can include hold in detention centres lacking sanitation, clothing and food while being prevented from working
  • How does the Flow of Money, Ideas and technology in relation to migration have negative effects on Conflict (2) - Social conflict between host communities and migrants with some people of culture finding it difficult to integrate into host country (language barriers) - International borders can be areas of conflict with border countrol authorities and illegal migrants