Homeostasis & response

Cards (54)

  • Homeostasis
    regulation of conditions inside the body to maintain a stable internal environment in response to both internal and external conditions
  • Automatic control
    Detect a change in optimal condition and send a signal to reverse the change
    receptor (nerve) — coordination centre(brain)— effectors (muscles)
  • Negative feedback
    Does the opposite or the change
    e.g if sugar too high = signal to decrease it
  • Nervous system
    nerve cells (neurone) = carry electrical impulses, long + thin w lots of branch connections
    synapse = EI travels along axon, then neurotransmitters are released, diffuse across synapse + bind to membrane of other nerve, the receptor stimulates the nerve to transmit its EI
  • Central nervous system (CNS)

    Brain + spinal cord
    receives info from sensory neurones and organises response to send out via motor neurones to effectors
  • Reflex arc
    An unconscious action (reflex)
    rapid and automatic to avoid harm
    stimuli - receptor -CNS - relay neurone - motor neurone - effector
  • The brain
    cerebral cortex - consciousness, intelligence, memory, language and senses (left hem = right muscles & right hem = left muscles)
    Cerebellum - balance + muscle coordination
    hypothalamus - regulate body temp + send signals to pituitary gland
    medulla - unconsious activity e.g breathing
  • Studying the brain
    -study ppl w brain damage e.g stroke damages area and can no longer hear = part of brain controlling hearing
    -electrically stimulate areas and see if anything happens to locate where it controls
    -scanning e.g MRI (magnetic field) CT scans (x rays) PET scan (radioactive chemicals)
  • Treatment of the brain
    -wide range of things can go wrong in the brain
    -fragile, complex and surrounded by skull = hard to treat
  • the eye
    Cornea - transparent so light passes through, O2 diffuses in, refracts light a certain amount
    iris - controls the size of pupil
    lens - refract light and can change shape so light hits the retina
    retina -cone cells (colour light) rod cells (black and white light)
    fovea - only cone cells, if light hit = can see most clearly
    optic nerve - transmits impulses from receptor to brain
  • iris reflex
    Bright = radial muscles relax + circular contract = less light in
    dark = radial muscles contract + circular relax = more light in
  • Accommodation
    Changes refracted power of lens, suspensory ligaments connect to circular muscles
    Close = lens is short and fat (curved) as circular contract+ suspensory slacken = more refraction
    distant = lens is long and thin as circular relax + suspensory taut = less refraction
  • long sighted
    Can’t refract enough
    can’t focus on nearby objects so appears blurry
    use glasses w convex lenses
  • Short sighted

    Refracts too much
    Forms image before hitting the retina so appears blurry
    use glasses w concave to counter act the refraction
  • Thermoregulation
    Control of our internal body temperature
    Human body is at 37 degrees as its optimum for enzyme activity
  • Thermonregulatory centre 

    In hypothalimus acts as a thermostat
    Receptors in skin and blood vessels let us know if to hot or cold so negative feedback occurs
  • Mechanisms
    Warm up: vasoconstriction so less heat lost, hairs stand on end to trap air as insulator, shiver
    Cool down: vasodualate, hairs lay flat, sweat to evapourate removing heat
  • Endocrine system

    Series of glands to secret hormones in bloodstream
  • Glands
    Pituitary - master gland, tells body and glands what to do
    Thyroid - release thyroxine for metabolism,growth and development
    TSH - if pituitary detects low levels it releases TSH to stimulate thyroxine levels
    Adrenal - release adrenaline to increase heart rate (fight or flight)
    Pancreas - release insulin for glucose
  • Glands pt2
    Testies - release testosterone (controls puberty) and produce sperm
    Overies - release oestrogen (control puberty + menstrual cycle) and produce eggs
  • Endo vs nervous
    Endo : hormone based , transported in blood , slower but lasts longer , more general
    Nervous : electrical impulses , transported via nerve cells , fast and short lasting , specific/precise
  • Blood glucose conc
    Too high = rise in levels detected by pancrease so insulin released into blood , tells cells to absorb glucose e.g muscles + liver Store it as glycogen = conc decrease
  • Blood glucose conc
    Too low : detected by pancrease and releases glycagon (opposite of insulin) in blood and bind to liver cells, break down glycogen to glucose molecules = increase conc
  • Glucose in blood
    Used for respiration
    Too high can damage cells
  • Insulin x glycagon
    Create neg feedback loop
    Levels if glucose fluctuate
  • Type 1 diabetes
    Cant regulate blood glucose
    In childhood or teen years and is life long
    Pancreas makes little or no insulin = levels to high results in feeling ill or death
    Treat by injecting insulin after meal
  • Injectinv insulin
    Depends on meals eaten e.g if very sugary = more insulin needed
    Exersice done e.g does lots of exersice = less needed as its used in respiration
  • Type 2
    Happens to older ppl with unhealthy diets
    Cells resistant to insulin so less glucose absorbed
    Treat by healthy low sugar deit and lots of exersice
  • Kidneys
    Filter blood to remove waste e.g urea from liver
    Regulate levels of water and ions (sodium + potassium in diet) if too high or low it damages cells
  • Water regulation
    Gain in drink and foods
    Lose from sweat breathing and urine
    Cells lose/gain water by osmosis
    Too high = burst
    Too low = shrink
  • Nephron
    Tubules absorb water glucose amino acids and urea (small) = filtration
    As it moves through we reabsorb anything we want to keep e.g glucose and some water = selective reabsorbtion
  • ADH
    Hypthalimus detects water levels
    If too low signal sent to pituitary gland to release ADH this tells kidneys to reabsorb more water + less urine
    If too high signal stops so less ADH so less water is reabsorbed by blood and more urine made
  • Urinary system
    Renal vein + artery cycle blood to kidneys
    Kidneys filter out urea which pass down ureters to bladder and out urethra
  • Kidney failure
    Build up of waste = become sick and if untreated die
    Treatmenta are dialysis or kidney transplants
  • Dialysis
    Machine or artificial kidneys
    Connected to pateints blood supply and passes through past the dialysis fluid seperated by a partially permiable membrane
    Dialysis fluid = same conc of water and molecules as healthy blood (constantly replaced)
    Diffuse stuff from blood to fluid to bring levels down to normal
  • cons dialysis
    Time consuming:
    Have to be in hospital 3-4 times a week for 3-4 hours
    Can cause blood clots
    Unpleasant experience
    Expensive to run
    Continually for rest of life
  • Transplants
    Surgical proceedure
    Healthy kindey usually from dead person but can be a living donar
    Small risk in surgery
    Larger risk if rejection from body so medication used but doesnt always work
    Not enough donars
  • Puberty
    Adolescents start to develope secondary sexual characteristics
    E.g facial hair or breasts
    Controlled by testosterone in men and oestrogen in women
  • Menstraul cycle
    Stage 1 (day 0 to 4) is break down of uterus linning = menstruation
    Stage 2 (day 4 to 14) is linning builing up preparing for egg
    Stage 3 (day 14) is ovulation when the egg ia released
    Stage 4 (day 14 to 28) is maintaining uterus linning for egg to embed if fertilised
  • Menstrual hormones
    Oestrogen = produced in ovaries increase in stage 2
    Progesterone = produced in ovaries increases in stage 4 to maintain uterus
    FSH = produced in pituitary gland stimulates egg to mature
    LH = produced in pituitafy gland stimulates release of egg