Cards (6)

  • idiographic
    qualitative data provides in depth detailed accounts of experience used to support, challenge or develop existing theories 
  • idiographic
    HM demonstrated that diff types of LTM are associated with different regions of the brain, which led to further research on both memory and localisation however not usually generalised eg HM, so reduces ecological validity of findings therefore idiograhic approach alone can't be used to improve scientific credibility of psychology
  • idiographic
    can be used as a basis for theories, Freud Dora and Little Hans 1905, used case studies as the foundation of his Oedipus complex and development of gender identity in children
  • nomothetic
    allows for generalisations to be made and uses quantitative methods of data collection, and is considered a scientific method by using lab exeriments and controlled observations
  • nomothetic
    results are objective and reliable as conditions used are standardised and have high control, scientific credibility and can be used to prove theories proposed by psychologists
  • used to compliment eachother
    allows research to have the reliability given by nomothetic approaches and more detailed findings attained by employing an idiographic approach