Cards (6)

  • ethical issues
    ensure the research published is valid and people within experiments have been ethically treated
  • ethical issues
    Goddard issues IQ tests to immigrants as they arrived in US and claimed the majority of Russians, Jews, Hungarians and Italians were 'feeble minded' (although he failed to point out that many of the tests he set required an understanding of english) - showing researchers often fail to acknowlegde the in-built cultural bias in IQ tests
  • ethical issues
    research that talks about those with different chromosome patterns as 'abnormal' may have real life implications on how an individual with this disorder is perceived in society
  • socially sensitive research
    can be used to improve societies understanding and the quality of life for those involved eg Klinefelters and Turners can help develop therapies and drug treatments
  • socially sensitive research
    people with gender dysphoria are vulnerable because of the stigma they sometimes face within society, and findings from research could make this stigma worse
  • use of research
    Bowlby's work could have had an indirect effect on the legal 'norm' that mothers are granted custody of the children in divorce cases(whereas, previously it was invariably given to fathers) - showing how research can be used by the government to manipulate policy