Bottom up approach

Cards (17)

  • What is it ?
    Make inferences about criminals based on evidence from the crime scene, not previous crimes
    • no initial assumptions are made
    • profile is built from data
    • cognitive social approach
    • data driven
    statistical techniques are used to produce predictions about the likely characteristics of the offender
  • What are the two processes involved in bottom up ?
    1. Geographical profiling
    2. investigative psychology
  • What is geographical profiling ?
    people reveal themself through the locations they choose and timings
    • where rather than who
    • analyse locations of a connected series of crimes, spatial relationships and how they relate to the criminals house and where they will commit next
  • What are the two geographical profiling techniques ?
    1. Circle theory
    2. criminal geographical targeting
  • Circle theory ?
    • spatial consistency + distribution of crimes
    - enables to asses whether they are a commuter or a Marauder
    • offenders house in the middle
  • Criminal geographical targeting ?
    • based on spatial consistency
    • their operational base and furure offences are linked
    • known offences put into a programme to generate a heat map
    • in the middle is the house
    • related to time distance and movement to or from crime scenes
  • What is investigative psychology ?
    • profiling should be based on psychological theory
    1. interpersonal coherance
    2. forensic awareness
    3. smallest space analysis
  • What is interpersonal coherence ?
    • people are consistent in their behaviour and will be links with elements of the crime and how they behave in daily life
    • people’s behaviour can also change over time
  • Forensic awareness ?
    • certain behaviours can reveal awareness of police techniques and past experience
    • e.g rapists conceal fingerprints as have been a. Burglar
  • Smallest space analysis ?
    A statistical technique that correlates offender characteristics + crime scenes
    • canter analyses 47 crime scenes and offender characteristics from 82 murder cases where the victim was a stranger and found 3 underlying themes
    1. instrumental opportunist
    2. instrumental cognitive
    3. expressive impulsive
  • instrumental opportunist ?

    Using murder to obtain something/goal
    • took the easiest opportunity
  • Instrumental cognitive ?

    particular concern about being detected thus more planned
  • Expressive impulsive ?
    • uncontrolled
    • in the heat of strong emotions
    • may feel provoked by the victim
  • Evaluation of bottom up ?
    1. research support - circle theory
    2. research support- police
    3. based on data
  • Research support - circle theory ?
    Support circle theory by distinguishing between Marauders and commuters in 46 sexual assult
    - 91% were marauders
    if all are marauders then the classification isn’t useful
    - PETHERIK pointed out if their home isn’t in the middle police will look at the wrong place
  • Copson (1995)
    • surveyed 48 uk police forces + found 83% said useful but only let to an accurate identification in 3%
  • Based on data ?
    Relies on statistical analysis + use of data bases
    • scientific + objective