Atavistic form - historical explanation

Cards (6)

  • What did Lombrosso say ?
    Certain individuals are born with a criminal personality and this innate personality is a throwback to earlier primate forms
    • criminals have biological features
    • researched 50k bodies + found 21% had 1 feature and 43% had at least 5
  • What were the features lombrossi outlines ?
    • high cheekbones
    • pronounved jawline
    • large ears
  • What else did lonbrosso believe ?
    different crimes had different features :
    • criminals - strong jaw, extra toes, nipples, fingers
    • murderes - blood shot eyes, curly hair, long ears
    • sexual deviants- glinting eyes, fleshy lips
    • fraudsters- thin + red lips
    • non physical - unemployed, tattoos
  • What did kretschmer suggest ?
    Somatotypes - 4000 criminals
    • fall into 4 categories
    • leptosome-tall + thin ( petty thieves)
    • athletic- tall and muscular (crimes of violence)
    • pyknic- short + fat (deception + violence)
    • dysplastic (more than one crime)
  • Supporting evidence for somatotypes ?
    1. sheldon created his own set of somatotypes ecto,endo,meso and studies 200 young adults- found delinquents were mesomorphs
    2. gluek + gluek- found 60% were mesomorphs
  • evaluation of lombrosso ?
    1. Gender bias - only men
    2. deterministic - promotes damaging stereotypes
    3. practical application - led to crimonology + eyesenck.- benefit society