Cards (6)

  • What genes are involved in crime ?
    Maoa - responsible for the reproduction of an enzyme
    • associated with aggression
    • regulates seratonin transmission in the brain
    • low levels related to impulsive + aggressive behaviour
    CDH13- gene involved in neural connectivity (dopamine + seeatonin)
  • Who supported the diathesis stress model ?
    followed 1000 people born in the 70’s age 26
    • 12% of men had low MAOA genes had also experienced maltreatment as a child accounted for 44% of violent convictions
  • Evaluation ?
    1. Brunner
    2. tihonen
    3. christianson
  • Brunner ?
    • analysed dna of 28 males of a Dutch family who had a history of violent + impulsive crimes and found all had a gene that led to low levels of MAOA gene
    • studies 900 prisoners + found that low levels of maoa + CDH13 were associated with violent crimes
  • Christiansen ?
    • studies 87 mz twins and 147 dz twins
    • found a concordance rage of 33 mz 12 dz which suggests there may be a genetic component