Cards (10)

  • What are the two explanations ?
    1. Prefrontal cortex
    2. lymbic system
  • What is the prefrontal cortex explanation ?
    PFC is responsible for regulating emotion and controlling moral behaviour and high order functions
    • low activitt in this area leads to impulsivity and loss of control - works with the lymbic system
    • Raine
  • What did raine find ?
    Conducted many studies on the brain showing numerous brain scans show reduced activity in the pfc
    • found 11% reduction in the volume of grey matter in pfc in criminals than control group
  • What did fallon find ?
    70 mri scans
    • identified 5 brains which he felt were psychopaths he was right
    • in every brain there was damage and reduced activity to the orbitalfrontal cortex
  • What is the limbic system ?

    a set of structures which combine higher mental functions and emotion into a single system
    • thalamus
    • amygdala
  • Thalamus ?

    Connects the Cans to the cereal cortex by processing sensory and movement information
  • Amygdala ?

    Distinguished and processes emotions especially dear which triggers the fight or flight response
    • links to aggression, some research shows destruxtion of the amygdala can reduce aggression
  • Who supports the limb of system ?
    Raine et al -
    • 41 murderes(2 female ) were scanned using a pet scanner to highlight brain activity
    • results compared to a matched age and gender control group
    • found reduced activity in pFC and abnormality in the amydagla and thalamus
  • Evaluation ?
    1. biologically reductionist
    2. research support
    3. can’t apply to non violent crimes
  • Biologically reductionist ?

    overlooks other genes and structures including the environment we may miss info or interpret findings incorrectly