Cards (7)

  • Psychodynamic theory assumes that the development of gender identity is linked to relationships between the child and the parent. The parental relationship forms a model that remains with a person throughout life. It also assumes the existance of an unconscious mind.
  • Freud believed for the first three years old life a child was bisexual
  • During the first three years, the child's main relationship is with the mother. Prior to the phallic stage, the child does not have a strong sense of gender identity and is bisexual.
  • During the phallic stage (3-5y) gender division occurs
  • Oedipus complex - sexual energy (libido) is directed int the phallus and a boy's affection for his mother becomes intensley sexual and desires his mother for himself. The boy recognises his father as a rival whom he fears and might castrate him if he discovers his feelings. The boy resolves this issue by identification with his father and gives up desire for mother. He internalises his father's gender.
  • According to Freud's oedipus complex theory the absence of a strong male role model will result in the boy becoming homosexual in his gender identity
  • Electra complex - involves the girl becomin asware of the male phallus, and desires it. She also realises she is castrated and powerless and her mother is too. She loathes her mother for making her incomplete but converts her penis envy into the penis baby project (desire to have a baby). Once resolved, she returns to her pre-electra relationship with her mother and identifies herself as a woman and internalises her mother's identity.