Protein Synthesis

Cards (8)

  • Proteins are made in the cytoplasm in tiny structures called ribosomes
  • To make proteins, ribosomes use the code in the DNA
  • DNA is found in the cell nucleus and can't move out of it because it's really big, so the cell needs to get the code from the DNA to the ribosome
  • mRNA is a molecule that is made by copying the code from DNA, in order to transport the code from the DNA to the ribosome
  • The mRNA acts as a messenger between the DNA and the ribosome, as it carries the code between the two
  • The correct amino acids are brought to the ribosomes in the correct order by carrier molecules
  • When a chain of amino acids has been assembled, it folds into a unique shape which allows the protein to perform the task it's meant to do
  • Examples of types of protein:
    • enzymes - act as biological catalysts to speed up chemical reactions in the body
    • hormones - used to carry messages around the body
    • structural proteins - are physically strong e.g. collagen is a structural protein that strengthens connective tissues