Cards (4)

  • Media influences such as TV, magazines, social media provide children with a constant source of information as to which gender behaviours to imitate. Children who 'consume' the most media eg those who watch a lot of TV develop more stronger and extreme perceptions of gender roles.
  • Leibert - sesame street, the child is bombarded by traditional gender role stereotypes. Big bird will have to help with men's work, heavy work and he should get a girl bird to help with the flower arranging.
  • Huston and Wright - found in US TV shows males almost always outnumber females and in dominant roles with higher occupational status than women who are less able to deal with problems. This illustrates the differences in gender-role presentations.
  • Bee - found books are gender stereotyped, and also boy's TV commercials are fast, sharp and loud compared with those for girls, which are slower , gentle and quiet. This suggests media gender-role portrayals and influences differ for boys and girls from an early age.