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  • Protozoology
    study of protozoa
  • Protozoa
    unicellular animals in which activities of metabolism, locomotion and etc. are carried out by the organelles of the cell.
  • Antoni van Leeuwenhoek
    discovered the protozoa
  • Morphology of Protozoa:
    A) not rigid, varied
    B) well defined
    C) not well defined
    D) holophytic
    E) holozoic
    F) ciliates
  • T or F. The nucleus of the protozoa is prokaryotic.
    False. Eukaryotic
  • Vesicular nucleus
    Consists of nuclear membrane which bounds the nucleoplasm in which lying more or less central, is an intranuclear body and the endosome of the nucleolus
  • Endosome
    devoid of DNA
  • Nucleolus
    possess DNA
  • Compact nucleus
    coontians larger amount of chromatinn and small amount if nucleoplasm.
  • The cytoplasm is homogenous and hyaline in appearance.
  • The cytoplasm contains granules, vacuoles, and pigments
  • Gliding ( e.g. Toxoplasma and Sarcocystic)

    achieved without the aid of cillia and flagella
  • Pseudopodia (e.g amoeba like orgnisms)

    Temporary locomotor organelles whch are formed when required and retracted when needed.
  • Flagella (e.g. Mastigophora)

    Whip like filamentous structures which arise from basal granule or blephoroplast in cytoplasm
  • Cilia
    fines, short, flagella structures origination from the basal granules in the pellicle or ectoplasm
  • holophytic
    chharacteristics of plants, carbohydrate synthesized chlorophyll
  • holozoic
    utilized preformed food material from host (examples are Entamoeba, Balantidium)
  • Saphrozoic
    absorb nutrients thriiugh the body wall which is utilized directly
  • binary fiision
    2 daughter cell result from a parent cell; division at the longitudinal axis except ciliates which is along the transverse axis
  • schizigony
    nucleu dvivides several time before the cytoplasm does
  • schizont
    dividing form
  • merozoite
    daughter form
  • Budding
    Produced by the parent cell.
    The budded forms a seperated off and grow in full size
  • Sporogony
    normally follows syngamy and sporocysts are formed within the wall of cysts
  • Endoplyogeny
    internal budding; progeny are formed within the cell
  • Endodyogeny
    simplified form of endopolyogeny; resulting to 2 daughter cells (Toxoplasma and Sarcocystis)
  • Conjugation
    occurs in ciliates; 2 organisms pair and exchange nuclear material ; individuals separate and nuclear organization takes lace
  • Syngamy
    2 gamete (male and female macrogamete) fused to form a zygote
  • gametogony
    gamete formation
  • Isogamy

    gametes similar in size
  • Anisogamy
    gametes of different size
  • Class: Zoomastigophora
    flagellate protozoa possessing one or more thread like flagella ; some have pseudopodia; lack chromatophores and feed in a holozoic manner
    reproduction- binary fission
  • Family: Trypanosomatidae
    all are parasitic and evolved from parasites of the alimentary canal of insects
    found in blood, tissues of mammals and birds
    leaf-like shaped; single flagellum which is attached to the body
  • Trypomastigote Stage
    blade like form with a kinetoplast posterior to the nucleus.
    undulating membrane is well develop and free flagellum is present.
    usually found in invertebrate host but also found in arthropod infective stage for the vertebrate host.
  • Epimastigote Stage

    Kinetoplast and axoneme lie anterior to the nucleus
    Undulating membrane is short
  • Promastigote Stage
    kinetoplast and axoneme are the anterior tip of the body
    no undulating membrane
    fouund in arthropod or plant
  • Amastigote Stage
    Rounded body ; flagellum is absent or reperesented by short fibril
    Kinetoplast is present
    Found in vertebrates or arthropods
  • Genus : Trypanosoma
    occur in vertebrates particularly in blood and tissue fluids
    transmitted by blood sucking arthopods
    mechanical transmission -- occuurs by biting flies
  • Genus: TRYPANOSOMA ; Stercoraria (posterior-lewisi group)

    metacyclic trypanosomes in the posterior of the host and transmitted by contamination through feces
    nonpathogenic ecxept T. cruzi
  • Genus: TRYPANOSOMA; Salivaria (anterior)

    metacyclic trypomastigote stage in anterior of arthropod host
    transmission by inoculation