Research into the nature-nurturedebate is the use of adoptionstudies
Adoptionstudies are useful as they separate the competinginfluences of nature and nurture
If adoptedchildren are found to be more similar to their adoptive parents suggests the environment is the bigger influence
If adopted children are more similar to their biological parents then geneticfactors are presumed to dominate
A meta-analysis of adoptionstudiesRhee et al found that geneticinfluencesaccounted for 41% of the variance in aggression
how research can separateinfluences of nature and nurture
However researchsuggests that this approach may be misguided that nature and nurture are nottwoentities that can simply be pulledapart
According to Plomin people create their own nurture by selectingenvironments that are appropriate for their nature
Thus a naturally aggressive child is morelikely to feel comfortable with children who show similarbehaviours and will choose their environmentaccordingly
Their chosen companionsfurtherinfluence their development Plomin refers to this as niche-picking
Does not make sense to look at evidence of either nature or nurture
Real-world application
Research suggests OCD is a highly heritable mental disorder
ie Nestadt et al put the heritability rate at 0.76
Can inform genetic counselling as it is important to understand that high heritability doesn't mean its inevitable that the individualwilldevelop the disorder
Means that those who have a highgeneticrisk of OCD due to their familybackground can receiveadvice about the likelihood of developing the disorder and how they might prevent this
doesn't have theoretical but has importance at a practicallevel to understand the interaction between both