Cards (14)

  • Bring UK out of EU
  • Populist party
  • extreme rightwing party
  • In 1997, Nigel Farage became the new leader of UKIP, leading it through its most successful period.
  • 2015-14.6% votes
    2017-2.4% votes
    2018 - 3 seats in local council elections
  • Role of govt
    Interfere little as possible
    Strictly regulate immigration
    Stay in power
  • Made Cameron promise referendum on Brexit in 2015
  • Conservative MPs switched to UKIP
  • Want best possible trade terms with EU wo accepting free movement of people and labour
  • Immigration strictly regulated- only those who have specific skill country need allowed in
  • Strong measure to reduce tax evasion and avoidance
  • Govt interfere as little as possible with economic activity
  • Opposes giving of international aid
  • Protect jobs of British