Cards (8)

  • What is OCD?
    an anxiety disorder characterised either by obsessive thoughts, compulsive behaviours or both
  • Behavioural, Emotional and Cognitive characteristics of OCD
    Behavioural - Compulsions
    - Avoidance, OCD is managed by avoiding situations that trigger anxiety

    Emotional - Guilt + Disgust, experience guilt and shame every time they give in to their obsessive thoughts
    - Depression, low mood, lack of enjoyment (co-morbidity - diagnosis of OCD and depression together), compulsive acts brings temporary relief

    Cognitive - Obsessive thoughts
    - insight into excessive anxiety, aware that thoughts and behaviours are irrational
  • Biological Approach to explaining OCD - Genetic
    Person develops OCD partly due to their genes so would run through families and the vulnerability to develop it is passed on. The closer you are genetically, the more likely it is to develop. Candidate genes create vulnerability for OCD, involved in regulating serotonin system e.g 5HT1-D beta - plays a role in how efficiently serotonin travels across synapses. OCD is polygenic (isn't caused by one gene), there's evidence so suggest up to 230 genes involved in OCD, including ones associated with the action of dopamine as well as serotonin
  • Biological Approach to explaining OCD - Neural 

    Serotonin - OCD responds to drugs that affect serotonin, suggests OCD is related to low levels of serotonin. Low serotonin 🠖 increased anxiety (obsessive thoughts) and normal transmission of mood-related info in the brain doesn't take place so mood is affected. SSRIs reduce OCD symptoms so support this theory
    Decision-making systems - some cases of OCD is linked with impaired decision making, this is linked with the abnormal functioning of the lateral of the frontal lobes of the brain.
  • Evaluation of Genetic explanation
    + Supporting evidence - Nestadt reviewed previous twin studies and found 68% of MZ twins shared OCD whereas 31% of DZ. This supports a genetic influence on OCD
    X Not just genes, environmental risk factors aswell - environmental risk factors can also trigger/increase the risk of developing OCD. Studies have found that over 50% of OCD patients in a sample have experienced a traumatic event, the more events, the more severe OCD. This suggests that OCD can't be entirely genetic, also concordance rates for MZ twin isn't 100% so must be environmental influence
  • Evaluation of Neural explanation
    + Supporting evidence - some antidepressants work purely on the serotonin system, increasing the levels of serotonin. Such drugs are effective in reducing OCD symptoms, this suggests that the serotonin system is involved in OCD
    X Cause and effect issue - evidence to suggest that various neurotransmitters of the brain don't function normally in OCD patients, but this isn't the same as saying that the abnormal functioning causes OCD. These biological abnormalities could be symptoms of OCD rather than the cause
  • Biological Approach to Treating OCD
    Antidepressants - SSRIs - they block the reuptake of serotonin of at the pre-synaptic neuron after it has fired. This means there's more serotonin in between the synapses, prolonging its activity and increasing stimulation to the receiving neuron.
    Risperidone is an alternative to SSRI and is an antipsychotic medication. They have a dopamine lowering effect and reduces depression and anxiety symptoms
  • Evaluation of Drug therapy (SSRIs)
    + Cost effective and non-disruptive - cheap compared to psychological treatments and are non-disruptive to patients' lives, take drugs until symptoms decline and not engage with the hard work of psychological therapy
    X Side effects - change in blood levels, these reduce effectiveness because the patients will stop taking them