Crucial for biotechnological applications, health and disease, food safety and preservation, environmental applications
Microbial nutrition
Supplying the cells with the chemical tools they need to make monomers
Cells consist of macromolecules and water (70–80% of the wet weight)
Besides water, cells consist primarily of macromolecules - proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, and polysaccharides
The building blocks of macromolecules - amino acids, nucleotides, fatty acids, and sugars
Essential for providing energy, required in large amounts
Required in lesser or just trace amounts, including trace elements and growth factors
Different organisms need different complements of nutrients, required in different amounts
Macronutrients - Carbon
All cells require carbon, most prokaryotes require organic compounds, about 50% of the dry weight of a bacterial cell, autotrophic microorganisms build their cellular structures from carbon dioxide (CO2)
Macronutrients - Nitrogen
A bacterial cell is about 13% nitrogen, present in proteins, nucleic acids, and several other cell constituents, bulk of nitrogen available in nature is ammonia (NH3), nitrate (NO3-), or nitrogen gas (N2), all prokaryotes can use NH3 as their nitrogen source, many can also use NO3-, and some can use organic nitrogen sources, such as amino acids, N2 can only be used as an N source by nitrogen-fixing prokaryotes
Other macronutrients
Hydrogen and Oxygen, Phosphorus, Sulfur, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Sodium
Defined media
Prepared by adding precise amounts of pure inorganic or organic chemicals to distilled water, major importance is the carbon source
Complex media
Made from digests of microbial, animal, or plant products, such as casein, beef, soybeans, yeast cells, disadvantage is that the nutritional composition is not known precisely
Classes of culture media
Defined media
Complex media
Enriched medium
Selective medium
Differential medium
Complex medium is easiest to prepare and supports growth of both Escherichia coli and Leuconostoc mesenteroides
The simple defined medium supports growth of E. coli but not of L. mesenteroides, growth of L. mesenteroides in a defined medium requires the addition of several nutrients not needed by E. coli
The fourth medium supports growth of the sulfur bacterium Thiobacillus thioparus, this medium would not support growth of any of the other organisms because T. thioparus is both a chemolithotroph and an autotroph and thus has no organic carbon requirements
Different microorganisms can have vastly different nutritional requirements, for successful cultivation, it is necessary to understand an organism's nutritional requirements and then supply it with the nutrients it needs in both the proper form and amount
Viable count
Measures the cells in the culture that are capable of reproducing
Optical density (turbidity)
A quantitative measure of light scattering by a liquid culture, increases with the increase in cell number
Growth cycle of cells
1. Lag phase
2. Exponential phase
3. Stationary phase
4. Death phase
Lag phase
Growth begins only after a period of time
Depends on history of the inoculum and nature of the medium and growth conditions
No lag and exponential growth begins immediately if an exponentially growing culture is transferred into the same medium under the same conditions
Exponential phase
Cell population doubles at regular intervals
Cells are typically in their healthiest state
Rates of exponential growth vary greatly and are influenced by environmental conditions and genetics
Stationary phase
No net increase or decrease in cell number, growth rate is zero
Energy metabolism and biosynthetic processes continue at a reduced rate
Some cells may divide but no net increase due to others dying (cryptic growth)
Death phase
Occurs as an exponential function
Rate of cell death is much slower than the rate of exponential growth
Batch culture
Simplest fermenter operation, closed system, all nutrients added before inoculation, nothing added during except O2, antifoam, acid/base
Advantages of batch culture
Very basic
Can be used for different reactions
Chance of contamination is minimum
Disadvantages of batch culture
Batch variability
Downtime and high proportion of unproductive time
Gives low product yield
Higher costs and not economic
Continuous culture
Open system, fresh medium added at constant rate, spent medium removed at same rate, maintains steady state
Most common type of continuous culture, allows independent control of growth rate and cell density
Advantages of continuous culture
Productivity and growth rate can be optimised
Longer periods of productivity with less downtime
Can take advantage of cell immobilization
Effects of environmental factors more easily analysed
Disadvantages of continuous culture
FDA does not accept for therapeutic products
Not all products produced optimally
Contamination can be a major problem
Culture mutation can easily occur
Microscopic counts
Counting cells on slides or in liquid samples using counting chambers or flow cytometers
Viable counts
Counting colonies formed from viable cells on agar plates, using spread-plate or pour-plate methods
Measuring turbidity (optical density) of cell suspension, which is proportional to cell mass and number
Turbidity measurements can be used as a substitute for total or viable counting methods, but a standard curve must be prepared first
A population of bacteria grown in the laboratory in solid (colonies) and liquid culture media (bacterial broth)