Subdecks (1)

Cards (137)

  • Stakeholders
    The people or groups that are impacted by a businesses
  • Stakeholder groups
    • Shareholders and owners
    • Managers
    • Employees
    • Customers
    • Suppliers
    • Local community
    • Pressure groups
    • Government
  • Shareholders (owners)

    • In family-run, private limited companies usually focus on long-term organic growth
    • In public limited companies (PLCs) are more likely to care mainly about short-term share price
  • Employees
    • Want job security, opportunities for career development, fair pay and good fringe benefits
  • Customers
    • Want consistently high quality products and service, honest and fair dealing from the company, innovative new products
  • Managers
    • Want security of employment, opportunities for career development/promotion, fair pay and good fringe benefits
  • Suppliers
    • Want honest dealing from the company, especially on prices and credit terms, good communication about future plans, strong organic growth meaning rising demand for supplies
  • Local community
    • Want honest and fair dealing on plans that affect local employment and the environment
  • Pressure groups
    • Want honest and fair dealing regarding local employment/environment, often seem to be against growth, perhaps focusing on the downsides of business activity
  • Government
    • Want honest and fair dealing from the company, especially on tax arrangements, employment plans and location plans
  • Owners have the most impact
    They make decisions about the activities of the business and provide funding to enable it to start up and grow
  • Shareholders influence

    The objectives of the business
  • Managers make some recommendations and decisions
    That influence the business' activity
  • Employees may have a limited amount of influence

    On business decisions, but can affect the business directly by refusing to work or not working as well as they should
  • Customers
    Buy products and services and give feedback to businesses on how to improve them, can also influence others by recommending or warning against the business
  • Suppliers can have a significant impact

    If there are any changes in the quality of the goods they supply or the reliability of their deliveries
  • Local residents
    May protest or object through the local council if a business affects them negatively, can also support businesses by buying products and services
  • Pressure groups
    Can improve working conditions for employees and help them to get fair pay, can also try to influence customers' opinions of a business
  • Governments
    Can pass new laws, change tax levels or amend levels of government spending in ways that affect the business
    1. e-commerce
    Selling goods and services over the internet
  • Advantages of e-commerce
    • Attract global customers
    • Sell at any time
    • Receive payments immediately
    • Reduced overhead costs
    • Sales can just expand through the existing online sales channel
    • Allows small businesses to start up small, testing the market before they spend a lot on marketing, offices, staff and distribution
    • Using social media allows businesses to build a relationship with customers
    • Even small businesses can sell to a worldwide market without needing overseas retailers using couriers
  • Disadvantages of e-commerce
    • More global competitors
    • Employees may need new skills, e.g. website maintenance
    • Procedures required for how products and services will be delivered and processing returns
    • A need to maintain and update technologies, including security software, which may be expensive
    • Could create more environmental damage
    • Once a firm like ASOS has captured a large share of the market it can then be very difficult for firms to break into it
    • It may be easier for a large firm to dominate the market and this rarely benefits customers as it is easy for the firm to raise prices
  • Social media
    Online platforms that allow users to create and share content, and interact with each other
  • How businesses use social media
    1. Sales & marketing: A relatively cheap way to advertise, can be used by large and small businesses to attract a target audience, can encourage people to follow their activities and promotions to gain loyalty
    2. Interacting with customers: Businesses can see what customers are saying about their products and services, customers can ask questions which allows the business to develop a relationship, but responses need to be handled carefully
    3. Communicating with stakeholders: Can be used to make contact with other businesses and network, can be used as part of the recruitment process
  • Some businesses believe that consumers are relatively unaware that many bloggers are in effect paid to advertise and promote certain products
  • Digital communication
    Communication using digital technologies like the internet and social media
  • Benefits of digital communication for businesses
    • A cheap way of reaching potential customers with promotional messages
    • A way of letting customers contact the business 24 hours a day in live online chats without having to employ 100s of people to answer phones, improving customer service whilst cutting costs
  • Drawbacks of digital communication for businesses
    • Some customers can abuse this by threatening to post bad reviews
    • A way of finding out what customers like or dislike about the business
  • Online payment systems
    Systems that allow customers to pay for goods and services online
  • Benefits of online payment systems
    • Makes paying for goods and services online much quicker, easier & more secure
    • Unique customer logins are linked to a customer's bank account so customers can stay logged in for faster checkout
    • Many offer credit too
  • Drawbacks of online payment systems
    • Not all platforms are supported
    • There is still a security risk if transactions are hacked
    • They are all dependent on internet connection and computer speed
    • Each payment system has limits, e.g. Apple/Android pay and contactless is £45, PayPal is £1500
    • Payments are not anonymous - providers can see transactions
    • Businesses often have to pay a fee to providers of payment systems to handle their transactions
  • Contactless payment
    Payment method that allows customers to make payments by tapping their card or device on a payment terminal, reducing the risk of entering PIN numbers
  • The impact of e-commerce on the marketing mix
    • Product: Customers can download digital products immediately after payment
    • Price: Customers can compare prices across online sellers easily, so prices need to be competitive
    • Place: Selling online provides another way for customers to make a purchase at any time, wherever they are
    • Promotion: Promotional offers or 'flash sales' are easy to implement through an e-commerce website
  • The impact of social media on the marketing mix
    • Product: Product information can be shared using video demonstrations where appropriate
    • Price: Cost savings may enable a business to lower its prices
    • Place: Businesses can interact with customers around the world, regardless of location
    • Promotion: Social media is a cost-effective way of targeting promotions at specific groups of customers
  • The impact of digital communication on the marketing mix
    • Product: Products can be adapted and accessed easily in a format that is convenient to the customer
    • Price: Money saved by using digital communication can help a business to keep its prices low
    • Place: Customers can access services regardless of their location
    • Promotion: Promotional offers or 'flash sales' are easy to implement through an e-commerce website
  • Product
    Product information can be shared using video demonstrations where appropriate
  • Price
    Cost savings may enable a business to lower its prices
  • Place
    Businesses can interact with customers around the world, regardless of location
  • Promotion
    Social media is a cost-effective way of targeting promotions at specific groups of customers
  • Place
    Customers can download digital products (eg music tracks or e-books) immediately after payment