Boring argues that intelligence represents whatever particular intelligence test was being used at the time
Spearman argues mental ability could be understood as a single genetic factor called g. it was responsible for 50% of the variance found in scores.
Caroll founded the three-stratum model. stratum 1 had 70 narrow abilities then stratum 2 had broad abilities (fluid intelligence) and stratum 3 was g factor.
Halpern found differences between male and females. females perform better in verbalfluency and males perform better in mental rotation tasks. both achieve similar IQ scores though.
Scarr and Weinberg compared intellectual abilities of parents, adopted and biological children. stronger correlations found between biological than adopted relatives.
Leeuwen aimed to measure the influence of assortativemating, culturaltransmission and GE interaction. also why spouses have similar intelligence scores.
Leeuwen's sample was 112 families 103 had siblings. the mean age of the twins was 9.1 years old.
Leeuwen's study the children completed ravens standard progressive matrices at their own pace. this included 60 problems divided into 5 sets of 12 questions.
Leeuwen's study the adults completed ravens advanced progressive matrices at their own pace.
phenotypicassortment is when people choose one another because of similar intelligence levels. socialhomogamy is the idea people with similar intelligence are clustered together
the results found culturaltransmission had no effect on IQ.