Some critics of British rule suggested that Britain was more comfortable to allow self-rule in colonies that contained a white settler majority rather than non-white colonies such as India or in Africa
Britain no longer had the militarystrength or the wealth to hold on to their colonies and many British people felt that rebuilding Britain after the war was more important than holding on to distant colonies
Many Africans and Indians who fought for Britain in the world wars felt they had fought to defendfreedom but were getting increasingly frustrated that their own countries were not yet free
A Hindu and former lawyer. He led a series of non-violent protests against the British. Championed the poor and lived a simple way of life. Assassinated in January 1948 by an extremist Hindu, who hated his tolerance of Muslims and others
The British decided to allow independence in colonies they felt were stable and prosperous enough to run their own affairs. They hoped that by freely granting independence, they were more likely to have a successfulrelationship with the newly formed countries
An independencecampaign began in WestAfrica in the 1920s. The NationalCongress of BritishWestAfrica asked the British government for more control of their own affairs, but the request was rejected
KwameNkrumah (1909-72) had a troubled time as Ghana's leader. Ghana became a republic in 1960, and Nkrumah was elected President. There were tensions between him and other political leaders and there was an attempted assassination in 1962. He dealt harshly with groups that opposed him. The economy declined in the early 1960s and the army and the police seized power in 1966
Another group, known as the MauMau, used violent methods to fight colonial rule in the 1950s. The British fought the MauMau with their own violent crackdown
WhenIreland, the WestIndies,Cyprus,EastAsia, WestAfrica,Europe, and SouthAsia gained independence from Britain, many immigrants came to Britain after 1945 as refugees or to find work
As immigration to Britain increased, some politicians with extreme anti-immigrationviews gained some support, but racistpoliticalparties remained fairly small
In the 1960s, the government tried to slow down the number of black and Asian people entering Britain through the 1962ImmigrationAct and the 1968CommonwealthImmigrantsAct
Nearly all former colonies of the British Empire now belong to an organisation called the Commonwealth of Nations, which promotes democracy,humanrights,goodgovernment,fair laws and worldpeace in the nations that were formerly controlled by Britain