Neuronal plasticity

Cards (21)

  • Neuroplasticity  : is composed of the synaptic plasticity and the intrinsic plasticity
  • Functional vs Structural SP = functional is the modification of the functionality of preexisting synapses. Structural is the modification of the nb and or structures of synapses.
  • Intrinsic plasticity = modification of the neuronal biophysical properties that changes the neuronal response to synaptic transmission. It can be due to : modifications of channel's activation or expression and is involved in learning process.
  • LT and ST plasticity = they can be induced independently to each other or concomitantly. The LTP helps develop the neuronal network, recover the damaged neuronal circuits and participate in learning + memory processes. 
  • Synaptic efficacy = capacity of an AP to produce a postsynaptic response while plasticity is the modification of this efficacy.
  • SP is bidirectional, has 2 phases and is studied mainly in glut synapses
  • Tetanus or tetanic stimulation = high frequency stimulation
  • Sources of the calcium needed for induction ?
    Are from VDCC, NMDA meaning ionotropic receptors or metabotropic receptors
  • What do you need to do to activate NMDA rc ?
    Remoge the magnesium blockage and then binding of glutamate
  • LTD could be due to a partial activation of NMDA
  • Hebbian theory is composed of 2 principles : associativity and specificiy
  • Associativity in hebbian theory are the plastic modifications that are activated at the same time as other synapses going through plasticity induction.
  • Specificity in Hebbian theory means that only the coincident synaptic elements which has been active will undergo plastic modification
  • What are the presynaptic principles of expression ?
    The modification of NT quantity
  • What are the postsynaptic principles of expression ?
    Modification of expression and functionnality of NT receptors through CamKII
  • What happens in the post synaptic element if I have too much calcium ?
    Then CamKII will be activated and production of LTP + AMPA Rc activation too
  • What happens in the post synaptic element if I have low calcium ?
    PP1 protein phosphatase inhibits CamKII and production of LTD
  • The posphorylation and dephorsphorylation of AMPA receptor changes their permeability
  • Induction in the pre synaptic element is either caused by calcium or retrograde signals from the post synaptic element
  • Pre synaptic expression involves : modification of permeability of calcium channels and potassic channels or functionality of vesicle release proteins
  • The increase of AP duration produces an increase in NT. This can be due to the fact that potassic channels are still closed