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  • CBT is more effective in reducing the rate of rehospitalisation for up to 18 months compared with standard drug therapy alone - Tarrier found persistent evidence of reduced symptoms in 739 patients after CBT
  • CBT is more expensive than antipsychotic drugs
  • Training of CBT practitioners is essential, Rathod et al found non Afro-Caribbean therapists had less success using CBT with A-C than white ethnic patients as empathy between was harder to establish
  • Traver et al suggests CBT doesn't reduce intensity of hallucinations but made them seem less of a threat therefore CBT teaches patients coping strategies. It is not suitable for all patients, some are too agitated or disoriented and is only after use of drugs it is useful
  • Family therapy reduces expressed emotion within family and improves communication
  • Leff et al looked at aftercare of patients with schizophrenia - 50% relapsed with outpatient care within 9m compared to 8% with family therapy within 9m. This rose to 50% after 2y and 75% with outpatient care showing family therapy is helpful in reducing re-admission in short term but families may not maintain positive patterns in long term
  • Family therapy is cost effective in comparison to standard care alone
  • Therapy takes a long time, up to a year and patients may drop out especially if symptoms are too severe. It is also not a cure but improves symptoms and aids homelife family