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  • What are some of the main causes of food insecurity in Nigeria?
    • Climate Change - more than 676,000 hectares of farmland lost from floods
    • Poverty - food prices continue to rise while most Nigerians continue to earn the same low wages
    • Conflict - internal violence and armed banditry in many states
    • Population Growth - more pressure on food supply as the population continues to grow
    • Using old agricultural practices
  • 25 million Nigerians are at risk of facing hunger during lean season
  • What is the lean season?
    Period of low agricultural productivity
  • 17 million Nigerians who are food insecure live in the northeast bay in states such as Borno, Adamawa and Yobe
  • 6 million children in the Bay States are food insecure (Nigeria)
  • The Global Hunger Index 2021 ranked Nigeria 94th out of 116 countries indicated a serious level of hunger
  • Ways of mitigating food insecurity in Nigeria include:?
    1. The UN called on the Nigerian government and private stakeholders to implement mitigation methods and commit resources
    2. Agricultural investment - increases in productivity, efficiency and sustainability
    3. Poverty alleviation programs: introducing social safety nets such as cash transfer programs and food assistance programs
  • Nigeria's diverse geography ranges from arid and semi-arid regions in the north to more fertile lands in the south. This makes farming in Nigeria both easy and hard in different parts of the country.
  • Nigeria's coastal location along the Gulf of Guinea enables access to maritime trade routes, facilitating food imports during shortages. yet dependence on imports subjects the country to global market fluctuations and currency exchange rates affecting food affordability and availability.
  • SUMMARY of Food insecurity in Nigeria:
    Nigeria's food insecurity is due to population growth, climate change, conflict, and economic issues. Despite its agricultural strength, it faces low productivity, poor infrastructure, and restricted market access for farmers. Conflicts and insecurity disrupting food supply chains worsen the situation. The solution requires investment in agriculture, infrastructure, social safety nets, sustainable farming policies, and improved access to nutritious food.