researching international tourism

Cards (13)

  • domestic tourism - people visiting locations within their own country for a specified amount of time
  • international tourism - people visiting other countries for a specified amount of time
  • countries that rely on tourism for more than 50% of their GDP?
    maldives, bahamas, aruba, jamaica
  • gdp?

    gross domestic product
  • countries that spend the most per person when travelling to international destinations?
    germany, japan, UK, france
  • LICs?

    low income countries
  • NEEs?
    newly emerging economies
  • in some countries, over 30% of the population work in the tourism sector
  • many governments tax visitors upon arrival that can be then invested into the country
  • eco-tourism?

    environmentally friendly tourism. it caters for a small but growing niche market of environmentally and aware tourists and is the fastest expanding tourist sector
  • sustainable development?

    improves the quality of life for people but doing so in a way that doesn't stop people in the future getting what they need
  • stewardship?

    careful management of the environment on a large scale across regions, nations and even internationally. all developments are planned sustainably
  • honey pot site?

    location attracting throngs of tourists who, due to their numbers, put pressure on the environment and local people