Decomposition, often called 'rotting', is the process by which dead organic matter is brokendown into simplerorganic or inorganicsubstances, such as carbondioxide, water, simplesugars, and minerals.
Decomposition is essential for the recycling of elements throughout an ecosystem.
when leavesfall from a tree and are slowlybroken down in the soil, we say that they are decomposing. This recycles the carbon, nitrogen, magnesium etc. and makes them available for the plants to absorb and use again.
Detritusfeeders and decomposers
Decomposition is carried out by twogroups of organisms: detritusfeeders (detritivores), and decomposers.
Detritus feeders - smallanimals like worms and woodlice that feed on deadorganicmatter.
Decomposers - microorganisms, such as bacteria and fungi
The rate of decomposition is affected by 3 environmental conditions:
Oxygen availability
Higheroxygen ➔ more aerobicrespiration ➔ more energyavailable ➔ fastergrowth and decomposition
Highertemperature ➔ particles have more kinetic energy & enzymes are closer to optimumtemperature ➔ higher rate of reactions ➔ more decomposition
However, if temperature rises too high, it will denatureenzymes, decreasing the rate of reaction and therefore decreasing the rate of decomposition.
Water content
Decomposers need water to survive, so the rate of decompositionincreases in moistconditions.
However, if the soil becomes waterlogged then the oxygenlevels will fall, which will decrease the rate of decomposition.
Compost is a mixture of decayedorganicmaterial that is used to fertilise and improve the soil. It is commonly prepared by leaving dead plant waste in idealconditions (plenty of oxygen, warm, moist) until it is mostlydecomposed. It can then be spreadacrosssoil, where it providesnutrients for the plants.
The image shows how the mixturechanges over time as it decomposes. At first there are whole pieces of food, but over time it breaks into smallerpieces, and in the end starts to look like soil.
Biogas generators
Some decomposingmicroorganisms can breakdownorganicmaterial without oxygen. In these cases, the microorganisms carry out anaerobicrespiration and so it is called 'anaerobicdecay'.
The mixture of gases this produces is known as 'biogas', and the most important of the gases is methane.
When methane is combusted (burned), it releases a lot of energy, which can be used for cooking, heating, or generatingelectricity.
Biogas generators are largecontainers in which animal or plantwaste is left to decayanaerobically. Importantly, there cannot be any oxygen in the container. If there is oxygen, the microorganisms will respireaerobically and won't produce as much methane.
Once the biogas is removed from the tank, a sludgymaterial is left over, which contains a highdensity of usefulminerals. This can be spread on fields like fertiliser.