Cards (3)

  • How does the case of KF criticise the MSM?
    KF's STM for digits was very poor when they were read out loud to him. But his recall was much better when he read the digits to himself.
    This evidence suggests that the MSM is wrong in claiming that there is just one STM store processing different types of information (e.g. visual, auditory, etc.).
  • How does the role of prolonged rehearsal criticise the MSM?
    Prolonged rehearsal is not needed to transfer material to LTM. Fergus Craik and Michael Watkins (1973) found that the type of rehearsal is more important than the amount. Elaborative rehearsal is needed for long-term storage. This occurs when you link the information to your existing knowledge, or you think about what it means. This means that information can be transferred to LTM without prolonged rehearsal.
  • How does the research of Baddeley support the MSM?
    Confirms that STM and LTM stores are different.
    Baddeley found that STM and LTM code differently, meaning that they must be separate from each other.