Ethical issues

Cards (14)

  • Who lays out ethical guidelines for researchers?
    British Psychological Society
  • Who are ethical guidelines implemented by?
    Ethics committees
  • What do ethics committees often use to determine whether research proposals are ethically acceptable?
    Cost-benefit approach
  • How do we deal with informed consent traditionally?
    Issue a consent letter (detailing all information)
  • How do we deal with informed consent in children under 16?
    Gain parental consent
  • What are the alternative ways of getting consent?
    Presumptive consent, prior general consent, retrospective consent
  • What is presumptive consent?
    Asking a similar group of people if the study is acceptable, if yes, the consent is 'presumed'
  • What is prior general consent?
    Giving consent to take part in a number of different studies, including one that will involve deception. Essentially consenting to deception
  • What is retrospective consent?
    Asking for consent during debriefing - may not have been aware of their participation or deception
  • How do we deal with deception?
    Give a full debrief at the end
  • How do we deal with protection from harm?
    1 . Give participants right to withdraw/right to withhold data
    2 . Counselling
    3 . Reassurance behaviour was normal
  • How do we deal with confidentiality?
    Personal details protected/anonymity
  • How do we deal with confidentiality in a case study?
    Use initials
  • What is cost-benefit analysis?
    Weighing up costs and benefits of research proposals to decide if it should go ahead