Early settlement of the west

Cards (36)

  • pull factors of moving west
    freedom and independence
    fertile land
  • push factors of moving west
    financial issues in the east
    over population
  • what happened in 1837
    there was a financial crisis in the east and there was a farming crisis
  • what happened in the financial crisis
    banks ran out of money which causes
    unemployment to rise to 25%
    people lost savings
    businesses closed
  • farming crisis
    corn prices collapsed due to overcrowding on all of the land as it was very fertile
  • manifest destiny
    white Americans believed that it was gods will for whites to populate all of america
  • what were the problems on the plains
    lack of timber
    bad environment
  • why was a lack of timber a problem
    settlers needed to live in caves and sod houses which were unhygienic and importing timber was expensive
  • why was the environment a problem
    tough weather conditions= thunderstorms, very hot summers, very cold winters
    there was a lack of water so crops could not thrive
    farming ploughs wouldn't work which causes difficulty
  • when was the gold rush
  • what did the gold rush cause
    a huge migration west
    the total number increased from 5000- 20000
    lots of these migrants came from china but did not find gold
  • consequences of the gold rush
    migration- population increased to 300000
    lawlessness in mining camps
    railroad developments
    tension with the natives
  • Mormon migration 1846-1847
  • why did the mormons begin to migrate
    there were religious persecution because other groups believed they were blasphemous---> they freed slaves, were polygamous, lots of them
  • who was Joseph smith
    founded the mormons
    was a good political speaker
    but was murdered in 1844
  • the migration
    migrated to salt lake
    brigham young was there leader
    1500 people migrated to salt lake
    everyone was given a role to make the migration sucsessful
  • success in utah
    faith encouraged them to work through hard ships
    the church owned everything= land, water, timber
    because it was church owned it was allocated fairly
    perpetual emigration fund helped them
  • indians removal act
    forced plains Indians to move west of the Mississippi river
  • indian trade and intercourse act
    frontier between the usa and indian territory
  • the oregon trail

    allowed people to move west
    it was 3200km
    it was a difficult journey
  • why was moving west a difficult journey
    cold winters
    risks of getting stuck
    once in plains it was difficult to survive
  • donner party

    was led by jacob and george donner
    began in 1846
    they took 60 wagons and 300 people
  • what happened at fort bridger
    a group of 80 people tried to take a shot cut
    wagons broke
    300 cattle died
    ate dead
  • when were the donner party rescued
    jan 1847
  • when was the fort Laramie treaty

  • what were the conditions in the fort laramie treaty
    the indians were given territories for both living and hunting this eventually led to reservations
    the natives were paid $50000 yearly for abiding however did not fully understand the conditions leading to gov control
    the gov also gave the indians resources meaning they became less independent
  • when was the indians appropriations act
  • what were the conditions of the indians appropriations act
    offered money for tribes to move onto reservations
    hunting land was allocated = was an issue as they hunted bison which were nomadic
  • what did the indians appropriations act mean
    they government could control the natives
  • what were the issues of lawlessness
    claim jumping
  • what was claim jumping
    taking land that had already been promised to someone else
  • what were vigilantes
    a group of normal people who decide to punish lawbreakers and not rely on the justice system
  • what were miners courts
    miners set up their own courts to settle any claim disputes
  • San Francisco gangs
    people went to get gold so the population grew to 25000 however there was little gold and people were disappointed and unemployed
    this led to gangs- by 1851 gangs led the town
  • why was lawlessness a problem
    men came back from the civil war= traumatised not fitting into society and angry at the government
    railroads = led to cowboys involving in drinking, gambling, prostitution
  • solving lawlessness
    cow towns passed laws meaning no firearms
    sheriffs and marshals employed
    pinkertons= private detectives that were employed