Circulatory system

Cards (38)

  • What type of circulatory system is the heart
    The heart is a double circulatory system as is one complete circuit blood passes through heart twice. It is also a closed system
  • which Side of heart pumps what
    right side pumps deoxygenated blood to lungs for gas exchange (pulmonary circulatory system)
    left pumps oxygenated blood at high pressure to rest of body (systemic circulatory system)
  • function of heart
    hollow muscular organ which pumps blood around body
  • what are arteries
    blood vessels which carry oxygenated blood away from heart . have lots of muscle elastic tissue and narrow lumen to maintain high blood pressure
  • what are arterioles
    small arteries which branch from larger arteries and connect to capillaries
  • what are capillaries
    tiny blood vessels which connect arterioles and venues . pass directly past cells and tissues and perform gas exchange of substances
  • what are venules
    small vein which join capillaries to large veins
  • what are veins
    blood vessels which join deoxygenated blood back towards the heart . thin walls and have less muscle and elastic tissue and wider lumen . contain values to maintain blood flow back to heart
  • what does pulmonary artery do
    carries deoxygenated blood from heart to lungs
  • what does pulmonary vein do
    carries oxygenated blood from lungs to heart
  • what do coronary arteries do
    supply heart with oxygenated blood and remove waste products . Located on surface of heart
  • what does aorta do
    carries oxygenated blood out of heart and to rest of body
  • what does vena cava do
    carries deoxygenated blood into heart
  • what does renal artery do
    supplies kidneys with oxygenated blood
  • what does renal vein do
    carries deoxygenated blood away from kidneys towards heart
  • What is the septum
    Muscle tissue that separates left and right of heart
    Separates left and right atria is inreratrial septum
    separates left and right ventricle is inter-ventricular septum
  • why is septum important
    to make sure that blood does not mix in heart chambers
  • what are valves in heart
    muscle ’doors’ that open when blood pressure behind is greater than that in front and closes vice versa
  • importance of values
    make sure blood flows forward in right direction and maintaining correct pressure in chambers
  • Where are main values in heart
    Tricuspid value between right atrium and left ventricle pulmonary valve between right ventricle and pulmonary artery
    bicuspid valve between left atrium and left ventricle
    aortic valve between left ventricle and aorta
  • Muscle thickness of valves
    Muscle on left ventricle is significantly thicker than right as it has a larger distance to travel so thicker muscles have larger contraction and produce greater pressure
  • atria and ventricle wall thickness
    atria walls a lot thinner as only have to pump blood to ventricles
  • what is cardiac cycle 

    series of events that take place in one heart beat including muscle contraction and relaxation
  • what is systole and diastole
    contraction is systole and relaxation is diastole
  • how does volume change in heart affect pressure
    volume decrease , pressure increases
    volume increase pressure decreases
  • process of atrial systole 

    walls of atria contract
    atrial volume decreases and pressure increases
    pressure in atria greater than ventricles so atrioventricular valves open
    blood forced into ventricles
  • ventricular systole
    Ventricular walls contract
    ventricle volume decreases and pressure increases
    pressure in ventricles rises above atria forcing AV to close
    pressure in ventricle rises above aorta and pulmonary artery forcing semilunar valves to open so blood forced not arteries and out of heart
  • what is process of cardiac diastole
    ventricles and atria are both relaxed
    pressure in ventricles drops below that of aorta and pulmonary artery forcing semilunar valves to close
    atria fill with blood as blood enters heart via vena cava and pulmonary vein
    pressure in atria rises above that of ventricles forcing AV valves to open
    blood flows passively into ventricles without atrial systole
    cycle begins again
  • What does lines crossing over mean on cardiac cycle graph
    Means that valves are open
  • Structure and function of capillaries
    Have thin walls which are leaky which allow substance to leave blood and reach body tissue
    form capillary beds which Important for exchange surfaces
    Small lumen which forces blood to travel slower for efficent diffusion
    walls made of endothelial cells and only one cell thick for shorter diffusion Rate
    cells how wall have pores which allow blood plasma to leak out and form tissue fluid
  • function and structure of plasma
    straw coloured liquid that constitutes around 55% of blood
    95% water so good solvent o substances can dissolve in it and be transported around
  • how do plasma and tissue fluid link
    as blood passes through capillaries , some plasma leaks out through gaps in walls of capillary to surrounding cells , resulting in formation of tissue fluid
    tissue fluid and plasma similar but contains less proteins as to big to leave capillary pores so remain in blood
    exchange os substance between cells ad blood occurs via tissue fluid
  • formation of tissue fluid
    when blood is at arteriole end of capillary hydrostatic pressure great enough to push molecules out of capillary
    protein remain in blood and creat a water potential gradient between capillary and tissue fluid so water moves out of capillaries into tissue fluid
    at venue end of capillary less fluid is pushed out as pressure reduced
    water potential gradient stabilises at end of arteriole so water begins to move back into capillaries.
  • what is oedema
    when blood pressure is high (hypertension) so pressure at arteriole end is even greater and pushes more fluid out of capillary and fluid accumilates around tissue
  • formation of lymph
    some tissue fluid enters lymph capillaries (separated from circulatory system and have closes ends and large pores to allow large molecules to pass)
    large molecules that can not pass through capillaries enter lymph capillaries through small valves at start of lymphatic system
    liquid moves along larger vessels of system by compression causes by body movement and valves stop back flow
    lymph enter bloodstream through veins located close to heart
  • why is lymphatic system important
    as plasma proteins that have escaped form blood retuned via Lymph capillaries and if not removed from Tissue fluid would lower water potential of tissue fluid and stop reabsorption of water into blood in the capillaries
  • why else is lymp system important 

    as after digestion lipids are transported from intestines into bloodstream by lymph system
  • what is coronary heart disease
    Any condition that interferes with coronary arteries which supply blood to heart muscles