The major source of all fresh water drinking supplies in some countries is groundwater. Groundwater is stored underground in aquifers and is highly vulnerable to pollution.
A lens of non-permeable material found within more permeable material. Water percolating through the unsaturated zone will be intercepted by this layer and will accumulate on top of the lens.
Any water added to the aquifer zone, including precipitation, streamflow, leakage (reservoirs, lakes, aqueducts), and artificial means (injection wells).
The driving force that moves groundwater, combining fluid pressure and gradient, and can be thought of as the standing elevation that water will rise to in a well.
The ability of material to allowwater to move through it, a function of the size and shape of particles, and the size, shape, and connectivity of pore spaces.
In many locations, groundwater withdrawal exceeds natural recharge rates, known as overdraft. In such areas, the water table is drawn down "permanently", so groundwater is considered a nonrenewable resource.
The interface between freshwater (groundwater) and saltwater in coastal areas, which can be affected by excessive pumping leading to cone of depression and cone of ascension of the interface.
The introduction of substances, biological organisms, or energy into the soil and/or groundwater, resulting in a change of the soil & groundwater quality, which is likely to affect the normal use of the soil and groundwater or endangering public health and the living environment.
An essential trace element, but too much can cause loss of hair and fingernails, finger deformities, skin lesions, tooth decay and neurological disorders, guideline is 0.01 mg/L